Love Medicine

Love Medicine
Detail of beadwork from an Ojibwe medicine pouch

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Eurich's characters and storytelling are brillant and are like pieces of a puzzle of life

I find it confusing that all of these chapters have different narrators(though they come back up later), different stories(ditto), dates, etc. and each chapter is an deep discriptive look into the characters relationships and lives> i was reading the Love Medicine chapter and realized that the grandma and grandpa are characters we have seen before, granma MARIE who still has the beads that June gave to her and we find Lulu nanapush making hot steamy love with Granpa Kashpaw who have taken in Lipsha..

I was wondering what yall think about Eudrich's vision and how in the beautiful chapters we see the characters grow, die, struggle, live with each passing year?

Kyle Ridley

Fish image in chapter "Crown of Thorns"

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


I missed a few days of class due to illness. Could someone please e-mail me the class notes from last Friday (2/22/08) and Tuesday (2/26/08)? Thank you!

My e-mail address is


i was skimming through some articles about the symbolism in love medicine and a lot of critics were saying that the story itself is a symbol for do ya'll feel about that so far do you guys think that's an accurate statement

People's 50 Most Beautiful???

Here is a link to a picture of Louise Erdrich when she was younger.... Do you think she deserved to be on the People's 50 Most Beautiful List?

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Love Medicine

Is it just me or did it seem like the first half of the novel did not have anything to do with Native Americans. I couldn't really find very many Native American references in the first half. It seems now that it is pertaining more to Native American life than it did before though.

HW - Tuesday, Feb. 26th

Read "Scales" but also find out about Leonard Peltier on youtube. Type in "Leonard Peltier" and browse. Watch at least one school project powerpoint or video. Don't watch the 43 second thing and don't just watch the Rage Against the Machine video.

Monday, February 25, 2008

After Marie's Husband Leaves Her

Did anyone else noticed how the chapter "Flesh and Blood," after Nector leaves Marie she emphasizes the word "I." I think this is to show how she can be self dependent and she really does not need Nector. What does anyone else think about this?

blue Symbolism

blue has come up a lot in "Love Medicine" but we havent really known what it symbolizes. i looked into the symbolism of blue and found this website. any ideas of what it means??

Friday, February 22, 2008

Native American's

Why are all of these stories depressing? I want to read a successful story about Native Americans.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Incest in myth

I encourage you to google "incest" and "mythology", "greek mythology", "native american mythology", and any other cultures that interest you.

Think back to stories you've read that deal with incest - King Arthur is seduced by his sister, Morgan le Fay, and has his son, Mordred, with her. You'll start to agree that it is a common theme. Read some about incest in myth and then discuss why this is so here.

The University of Pittsburg has a whole class that deals with incest in Indo-European folk tales. This site has the myths and then discussions:

Also, think about the Greeks - Oedipus comes immediately to mind. And I found this on-line: "The princess Myrrha was bewitched by Aphrodite into seducing her father Theias, king of Syria. Myrrha tricked him into committing incest with her, although when he found out, he wished to kill her. She fled and was turned into a myrrh tree by Aphrodite to protect her from her father. Adonis sprang from the bark of the tree." Incest is common in other Greek myths as well.

Astrology - Earth, Air, Water, Fire (Sun) signs

Information from Cambridge University on astrology and its history

Zodiac Quizzes - are you true to your sign?

Information on the 12 signs of the Zodiac

Information from NASA on the 13th house of the zodiac

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I need notes

Since I have the flu, can someone please give me some notes when I come back to school(probably wednesday)?

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Video Interview

Does anyone else think that Louise's husband seemed kind of full of himself and hypocritical in the interview we watched?

Friday, February 15, 2008

symbolism post

any symbolism u find post it here for test purposes

Thursday, February 14, 2008


i'm excited about LOVE MEDICINE, there is more sybolism in the first 40 pages than in most books we've read before. So if June is the main character, and she dies in the winter, do you think her name is going to be symbolic of something important in the summer of her life ? or maybe in the lives of others she's influenced ?

A Troubled Life and Astrology/ water

In 1991,son Reynold Abel, a victim of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, was hit by a car and killed.


*On April 10, 1997, Michael Dorris committed suicide at the Brick Tower Motor Inn.

I enjoyed hearing the couple talk about their ideas in the interview, but i never thought the husband would kill himself and that they would adopt 2 more children and have 3 on their own.on .

Astrological sign info for scorpio and how it relates to water like Love Medicine:

Scorpio is considered a water sign, and is one of four fixed signs. Being a water sign, Scorpio is considered highly emotional, passionate, intuitive and imaginative.
Being a fixed sign it is determined, persevering, inflexible and self-confident. As the eighth sign in the zodiac, Scorpio is associated with the astrological house number 8, which is associated with natural Scorpio matters - birth, death, transformation, sexual relationships and deeply committed relationships of all kinds, and the occult and psychic matters

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

turning it in

Who knows our class i.d. and class password thing for


Why do you think that Alexie puts so many negative stereotypes into The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven?

Reading for Wed. night, Feb. 13

Read pages 1-25 of Love Medicine. Stop just before the break at the top of page 25.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Does anyone know what college they're going to yet?

Monday, February 11, 2008

Mardi Gras

Did anybody go watch the indians on mardi gras day?

Sunday, February 10, 2008


We didn't have any homework over Mardi Gras break, did we??

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

2008 Mardi Gras Indians

Sunday, February 3, 2008


does anyone find it interesting how the mardi gras indians freely use certain phrases that, at one time, would be very offensive or rude?