Love Medicine

Love Medicine
Detail of beadwork from an Ojibwe medicine pouch

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

That picture of Media with her children in modern day clothes and setting somewhat resembles an anachronism. In that Media and her kids are taken out of time sequence and put into a current day painting. And although an anachronism is usually found in literature, I believe that it can be displayed this way too.

Island of Lesbos

The Harbor on the Island of Lesbos. I thought this was really pretty.

Monday, September 29, 2008


Here is a cool picture of Medea with her two children, depicted in a more modern setting.

Catullus- Pining for Lesbia


Sunday, September 28, 2008

Catullus Poems Online  This website has Catullus' poems online.

Catullus Poems Online  This website has Catullus' poems online.

Quotes for test

Does anyone have any good quotes that would likely be on our test?
check this wikipedia article out for some interesting facts on lesbia, also form this page you can learn more about Catullus  CLICK HERE
What did Lesbia do to make Catullus hate her in the later poems? Was it just that they cannot be together or was there something else?

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Catullus 5

This is the Latin Version(original version) of Catullus 5 (it's also the first poem in our book):

Vivamus mea Lesbia, atque amemus
Rumoresque senum severiorum
Omnes unius aestimemus assis.
Soles occidere et redire possunt;
Nobis cum semel occidit brevis lux
Nox est perpetua una dormienda.
Da mi basia mille deinde centum
Dein mille altera dein secunda centum
Deinde usque altera mille deinde centum!
Dein, cum milia multa fecerimus
Conturbabimus illa ne sciamus,
Aut ne quis malus invidere possit
Cum tantum sciat esse basiorum.

Incase you like to travel...

Website for tour information


Friday, September 26, 2008

Catullus and Lesbia (Love and Hate)

 a good picture of Catullus pining for Lesbia. before he hated her that is.

Cool Pic of Medea

It looks like she is making some kind of poison.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

This is a picture of Lesbia and Catullus I found!


a picture of Catullus 

Where is the Golden Fleece?

I have tried to find a source that indicated what happened to the golden fleece after Jason brought it to Iolcus, but I could not find anything that specipied where it is exactly. I get the impression that when Pelias' son, Acastus, drove Jason and Medea out of Iolcus he kept the golden fleece.


I found this brief background on Catullus.

Born in Verona (Gallia Cisalpina) around 82 B.C.
Father was a friend of Julius Caesar's.
Falls in love with Clodia, around 60 B.C.
Brother dies at Troy.
Joins the staff of Gaius Memmius, Governor of Bithynia, 57-56 B.C.
No poems datable after 54 B.C., so he may have died sometime around then.

Medea Statues

This is a giant bronze statue of Medea in Batumi, Georgia. It is located in the center of the town square as if she was some kind of hero. I don't know maybe people from Georgia just really like the story, because Medea doesn't deserve to be praised in my opinion.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

True story that is opposite of Medea

Father Killed His Sons to Make His Wife Suffer

With the aim of making his estranged wife suffer and hate every Father's Day all her life, a man killed his three young sons.
The Melbourne court was told that 38-year old Robert Farquharson allegedly murdered ten-year-old Jai, seven-year-old Tyler and two-year-old Bailey by driving his sons into a dam, located in south-west of Melbourne. The event took place on Father's Day 2005.
In the Victorian Supreme Court the man pleaded not guilty of murdering three people. Prosecutor Jeremy Rapke QC stated that 2 to 3 months before the murder Robert Farquharson was spotted outside a shop together with his friend Gregory King.
"I got the shit car, she gets to drive around in the good car," Robert Farquharson told his friend Gregory King. These words were quoted by Jeremy Rapke. He also said that the accused told Mr. King the following: "She is not going to do that to me and get away with it". Rapke mentioned that Robert Farquharson wanted to take away what was the most important to his estranged wife.
Later, according to Mr. Rapke, Farquharson motioned with his head to his three sons while they were in the shop. Then, the court was told that the man said the key phrase: "Cindy will suffer every Fathers' Day for the rest of her life".
Peter Morrissey, Farquharson's attorney, stated that the crown's case had only a theoretical base, which is why he asked jurors to pay attention on the real facts.
While Mr. Morrissey was saying sympathetic phrases like "There are three beautiful kids dead, their father is on trial and ... he loved these kids ..." Mr. Farquharson wiped the tears of his eyes with a handkerchief.
The attorney said that his client was suffering from a coughing fit while he was droving along the Princes Highway. He then blacked out and the only thing he could remember was being sunk in water.
Mr. Farquharson's defense states that he didn't kill his kids. According to the accused he tried to save his kids but failed to do so.


I have no idea that Colchis was a real place, it's in present day Georgia, (the country, not the State above Florida) :

And just another funny picture:

medea with her children

Amazon Women

On the left we have the classic Amazonian Princess Wonder Women but on the right we have Medea. Both look like powerful women to me.

Monday, September 22, 2008

i found this intresting poem on Medea..     MEDEA

Medea was her name
Fate had to play her like a game
She was just a simple wife
But she had a complicated life

Jason the one she loved
Was no longer the one she can trust
He did not stand up for her, and Medea thought,
" He just treat me like dirt"

Jason married a new wife
That stabbed Medea's heart like a knife
Medea did not cry though
She just blamed it on the foe

Revenge she picked took away her life
When she killed Jason's wife
Her children she then decided to murder
That, will make all the readers remember

Medea is one tragic character
That killed her own life and others
She is no doubt insane
Though she did earn herself
fame that caused his honey to 
rage and murder all of his remainings
for all the humiliation thats medea went through
what would you say ? 
was it a casue to sue or just her way of 
showing her blue(s)?

'However it is women, not men, who kill children, by far'

I looked up the percentage of child related deaths, and I found that as late as 1999, 70.3% of perpetrators  for child abuse were female parents acting alone or with others.  
This link shows you other Perpetrator Relationships: female parent being the highest. 

The Story of China Arnold

Here the complete story of the lady who "cooked" her 3-week-old baby in the microwave oven:

China Arnold

Medea killing one of her children

this is Medea killing one of her children

Medea's Spirit


This is a beautiful line of spam in my opinion: In the night I’ll put another. It brought to mind tears as stars and mythology.

I did a little googling and found this essay by one of my favorite authors Margaret Atwood about the goddess betrayed by Jason of Golden Fleece fame.

If anyone was capable of setting her tears in the sky as stars, certainly the sorceress Medea had the power? There’s no record of what happened to her after she was banished from Corinth due to the fiery wedding dress fake-out. The legend is, she disappeared in a chariot drawn by dragons.

Original Painiting of Medea Contemplating Killing her Children

Greek Vase

i thought this was a really cool looking Greek (i think?) vase that showed Medea flying off and stuff


Scary Picture of Medea from a playbill

For the Story on Medea we are having to write for homework, do we have to make up our own story, or find one from real life? I have already done one but am afraid i did the wrong thing.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Mrs. Deckard this is the first time i have been able to post in 2 weeks due to the website not letting me post for some reason i do not know why. I do not know if this was addressed in class or not and if so, do we still get no credit if we were unable to post?
Here's a webpage that tells you everything you need to know about Medea, including her biographical information and what happened before, during and after the play Medea.

And here's a short real life version of Medea :


Ms. Deckard i posted an imgae but its not big enough to read the words so if you could go in and blow it up that would help everyone to see that relationships and Media's victims. Thanks

Family Tree!

Here's a family tree in case it helps any one...


Is the story being compared to Medea supposed to be in present tense also even though it is nonfictional? other post didnt show the whole picture

so just click on the link below to see it.


Jason and the argonauts and golden fleece

How well do you know Jason and Medea?

take the quiz...could be fun! =)

golden fleece

need help

i dont understand the homework due tomorrow.. can anybody explain it?

Friday, September 19, 2008

Quest for the Golden Fleece

Here's some facts associated with the prequel to Medea, the myth of Jason and the Argonauts:

Icarus Paper

The Icarus Girl Paper is supposed to get longer as the we do drafts, but for right now, are we just supposed to correct the first draft?

The Golden Fleece

I really don't understand why this would be a desired object... Do you?

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
if anyone wants a fun Oedipus trivia or a recap of the story this is pretty sweet!


Monday, September 15, 2008

Hurricanes blow.

So how did everyone do during the Hurricanes? Gustav blew out one of my windows early in the storm so I had lots of rain damage in my sisters room. Ike blew out the temporary window so on Friday I had to tape up the window with cardboard and anything else my mom could find, but almost got blown out! The power went out during Gustav, Ike, and on Sunday. My internet went out Friday and still has not been working. I hope it gets back up soon!


what are yalls predictions for the quiz easy hard lets have a poll

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Oedipus (the short version)


there are a lot of interesting things i found about oedipus and how he is referenced often in Greek mythology if you want to learn more go to:  Oedipus

I know this is random but..

I know this is random but since we are talking about Greek tragedy I thought it would be a fitting question.. Remember in the Hercules Disney movie, all the people who ended up dying died because three blind women used golden scissors to cut their "string" (like a person's life) in half?? What was that? Some Greek mythology? Or just Disney story making?


I heard we might be having a quiz on the greek stuff on monday does anyone know if that is true?
does anyone know if we are still having our quiz tom?

Friday, September 12, 2008

does anyone know where the part about Tilly making Jess hold the hot coals is?
does anyone know where that part about Jess kicking miss patel and talking w/ her principal is?

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Citing quotes

I am unsure how to do the page citing after quotes in paragraphs. Is this correct:

: “’She’s scared you’re going to hit her. This isn’t the way to make her behave herself, you know. It doesn’t matter whether you were brought up that way or not --.’” (119)

:“She wanted to put her hands over her ears, but her mum would lose it—Nigerian parents, her mother had once explained, could actually kill a child over disrespect. It had been known to happen.” (Oyeyemi, 120)

icarus girl quote

Does anyone know where Sarah was talking about how she doesn't want Jess to be westernized

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

check out this cool video

this is an awesome video brant showed me 

Clash of the Titans

I found a clip of Clash of the Titans on Youtube, here's the scene where the main character Perseus fights the monster Medusa.


I found this and I remembered Ms. Deckard saying how much Greece looks like the Nickelodeon sign and I i thought this really did look like it.

Monday, September 8, 2008

English Paper?

What is the schedule for when the drafts of this paper are due?

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Check this out.. Jess's favorite food

In the book she refers to it as “the prawn thing,” but I believe the real name to Jessamy Harrison’s favorite dish is simply “Spicy Prawns With Black Mushrooms (Hunter Valley)” anyway here it is..

Australian - Spicy Prawns With Black Mushrooms (Hunter Valley) adapted from Australia The Beautiful Cookbook by Elise Pascoe
2 Tablespoons Peanut Oil
10 Medium Scallion -- chopped
4 Ounces Black Chinese Mushrooms -- chopped
20 Medium Snow Peas -- trimmed
12 Large Prawns -- peeled and deveined
1/2 Cup Chile Puree
In large frying pan, heat the oil, add scallions and saute for 2 minutes. Add mushrooms and snow peas. Stir for 1 minute. Add prawns and stir fry for 3 minutes or until pink. Add chile puree and toss to coat and heat through. Serve.
Time to Make

Saturday, September 6, 2008


anybody remember where the scene is when Jess has her temper tantrum at school and she is then in the Principles office with her parents, and they are discussing if they should have put her in a higher class?

...i decided to have a little fun with my post LOL


does anyone know where the quote where jess realizes that there are two tillys is? she says that there is a long armed woman and the evil tilly, she also says that her naming her was meant for a reaosn

Monday, September 1, 2008

Icarus Girl Prewrites

If you have not e-mailed me your prewrite, do so ASAP! is up and working. Do not send it to stm because the server was shut down before power went out in Metairie.

I want to grade your prewrites while I'm evacuated so we can be on schedule when we return to school. Consider that I am 10 hours away from NO (in Murray, KY), so need to get your prewrite Monday or Tuesday to grade it before I drive back on Wednesday. I expect to see you Thursday or Friday at school and don't want to be behind.

I'm so relieved that I will see you soon!