Love Medicine

Love Medicine
Detail of beadwork from an Ojibwe medicine pouch

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Words about time

If your story flashes back and forth and you need words to alert your reader that time has passed or shifted, here's a list that might be of help:

Words about time
A list of wordst that have "time" in them - some are not pertinent to your work

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

how long

are yalls papers, i feel like mine is TOO long, its 10 pages.

water words that might help

If you want 'watery' "adjectives", try salty, dripping, oceanic, nautical, wet, soaked, tidal, clear,turquoise, crystal, moist, briney, ebbing, flowing, spraying.

If you are looking for nouns, try- waves, tides, sea, body, drip, sailor, or monsoon.

Great Louse Edrich quotes from an interview

“You have to be very confident in your version of the truth,” Erdrich told me. “Your art has to be your truth. A very mediocre vision seems to please a broad range of people, so, in a way; strong criticism is a positive thing. If you’re pleasing a huge segment of the country, what are you? You’re reality tv or you’re the ‘Bridges of Madison County,’ or you’re at a level that I don’t think reflects the truth of your distinctive experience.”
The emphasis should be on writing the truth, not trying to please people, Erdrich said.

"I'm counting on all of you young writers to wrench the language into a new and more expressive instrument. So go to it! Write your hearts out, and fear nothing. "

Here is the link to the interview:

Louise Edrich Picture and link to an interview

Here's an article that may be inspirational to you

This article by Wally Lamb (who wrote She's Come Undone and other books) might give you some ideas for your short story. Advice on writing from Wally Lamb

Water Symbolism

Water is often used to symbolize things in literature. Since water is often a sign of life, many times water represents life. Water can also be broken up into two categories: fresh water and bad/polluted water. Fresh water can represent good health, and bad water symbolizes bad health.

The river is a sign of ease, grace and fluidity; as expressed by its meandering form. Often times it is used to represent the calm beauty of nature. In Feng Shui (the ancient Chinese art of placement to improve qi flow), certain types of rivers are often described as auspicious and healthy.

A fast-flowing river can often be used to symbolize strength; sometimes calamity. Calamity can be represented through rushing, chaotic rivers that tend to flood.

The ocean is a sign of power and strength, dominating all other symbols of water--due to its immensity. All life was ocean-born and life still exists in the ocean; therefore the ocean represents life.

paper question

my peer editor doesn't think I have any element imagery. Would anyone else like to read my story and discover my water imagery?

More elements info

Here's a list of elemental parallels and their use in fiction. I looked here for info.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


does anyone have any ideas about incorperating water like qualities into a character?
email me if you would like to trade papers

Monday, February 16, 2009

Would anyone be interested in switching papers and peer editing???
Would anyone be interested in switching papers and peer editing???

creative writing

do we have to have a title for our creative writing assignment?


Can anyone think of any more verbs or adjectives that go with the theme of earth?

Friday, February 13, 2009

Brandon Guichard scores 10 goals in one game?

Did yall know that Brandon Guichard scored 10 goals in one game against a bunch of nerds...he is a classless player... am i right

Creative Writing

What are you guys writing about for your creative writing essay?

Picture of Louise Erdrich

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

1980 Yellow Firebird

1980 Firebird. King's car that Lipsha wins in the poker game.,_Jr.
A t.v show that Lipsha watches 

Rate: Love Medicine

what did you think of the book?

information on Ira Hayes

Ira Hayes

Monday, February 9, 2009

As sad as it may be, Ira Hayes shows that Indian war vets return to the reservations with both emotional and sometimes even physical baggage. This causes these vets to abuse substances and often causes their downfall.
Even though the story ends kind of open i like the last quote, "I got inside. The morning was clear. A good road led on. So there was nothing to do but cross the water, and bring her home". The personification in this quote gives life to the car, but i believe it is discussing June as well. Lipsha is driving off towards the light almost in June's footsteps.

War Poster

this is probably like the war poster Lipsha saw which made him sign up for the Army

Lucky Charms

They played poker for the marshmallows


What did everyone think about the ending of the book? Did you think it left much to be desired? Or did you think it was good?

Ira Hayes

if you want to know more about Ira Hayes, go see the movie Flags of our Fathers

More on Ira Hayes

One of the most iconic photos from World War II, "Flag Raising At Iwo Jima" is the photo that earned Ira Hayes eternal fame in American History. 

Ira Hayes

According to our quiz nobody new who Ira Hayes was... so here's a great website.

Ira Hayes

UN-authentic tomahawks

In class, Ms. Deckard noted how the tomahawks they were building in the factory, seemed like they were mass-produced to be sold as trinkets, thus taking away their authenticity... Sort of like the mardi gras throws shown above

Friday, February 6, 2009

The Tomahawk Factory

Did anyone really like this chapter? I thought it was just really slow and boring. 

Good Tears

Did any else think of Beowulf and Grendel when reading The Good Tears. I thought of how we have read so much about Lulu and how people think of her and then we got her perspective kind of like when we read Beowulf and then got Grendel's perspective.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Ellie-I'm sure you learned more about Lipsha in class today , but in case your not quite sure I'll help. Lipsha has a magic tough and is able to cure most that he touches, but he chooses not to touch Nector. He decides he will try to fix the love between Marie and Nector with the geese(turkey) hearts.
It is interesting how the chapter that is called "Good Tears" tells how Lulu hardly cries at all in her life. She only cries when she goes off to boarding school. Therefor the title helps us learn that Lulu is the opposite of an emotional women as she is a strong-willed individual.

The Next Kool-Aid

The name Lysol comes from a combination of the words "lysosome" and "solvent". The former comes from the name given to the cell organelle that produce digestive enzymes, the latter from the label given to liquids that rapidly dissolve solids, gasses or other liquids.

The active ingredient in many of the Lysol products is benzalkonium chloride.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

☮ Red Owl Store ☮


there is an actual red owl store!


Im confused. In the chapter Love Medicine, does Lipshaw have some kind of phyicic ablity? Or is he a good massage theripist?
Canada geese 


Facts and information about the trickster God, Nanabozho

yellow fever

Yellow fever (also called yellow jack, or sometimes black vomit or American Plague) is an acute viral disease.[1] It is an important cause of hemorrhagic illness in many African and South American countries despite existence of an effective vaccine. The yellow refers to the jaundice symptoms that affect some patients.[2]

Yellow fever has been a source of several devastating epidemics.[3] Yellow fever epidemics broke out in the 1700s in Italy, France, Spain, and England.[4] 300,000 people are believed to have died from yellow fever in Spain during the 19th century.[5] French soldiers were attacked by yellow fever during the 1802 Haitian Revolution; more than half of the army perished from the disease.[6] Outbreaks followed by thousands of deaths occurred periodically in otherWestern Hemisphere locations until research, which included human volunteers (some of whom died), led to an understanding of the method of transmission to humans (primarily[citation needed] by mosquitos) and development of a vaccine and other preventive efforts in the early 20th century.

Crown of Thorns

Does anyone think its strange that Eli gave up on Gordie so easily. Even though Gordie is not very cooperative, his attitude should be understandable. At the least you think he could seek someone else's help.

Nanabozho the Chippewa god

Read more about Nanabozho:

Scales - the only legitimate relationship

When we read "Scales," I realized that Dot and Gerry's relationship was the only one we had come across so far that did not involve physical abusers or infidels. What I found so sad about this, was the fact that Dot and Gerry were forced to be a part from each other because of Gerry's criminal record, but they wanted to be re-united more than anything in the world. All the other relationships TRIED to avoid one another. Sad, huh?

Native Americans in the U.S. Army

-Henry Jr. may have served in the Vietnam War, but numerous Native Americans have served in past wars; Their roles have probably been some of the most crucial. In World War II, they provided a communication code of their own language seeing as neither the Germans or the Japanese could decode it. They were nicknamed "code-talkers". There is actually a good movie about all of this called "Windtalkers." I own it if anyone would like to borrow it to watch. Above is a picture of some code-talkers

"Crown of Thorns"

I don't understand why the title of this chapter is "Crown of Thorns". Every other chapter title was relatively explained in each other chapter, but this one confuses me. 

Monday, February 2, 2009

The Magic Touch

Has anyone ever seen the movie The Green Mile, staring Tom Hanks and Michael Duncan Clark? Lipsha's magic touch reminded me of John Coffey, Clark's character. They both have curing abilities, maybe The Green Mile used some elements from the book.

help please

Can anyone send me class notes from last wednesday("Flesh and Blood"),last friday("A Bridge" and "The Red Convertible"), and monday("Scales" and "Crown of Thorns") becuase I have been out sick? It would be a huge help. Thanks

End of Crown of Thorns...

"When it was over, she found herself in the backseat wedged against the animal's body."

This part really confuses me. What happened here?

Thorn of Crowns - O Brother Where Art Thou symbolism

As I went down in the river to pray
Studying about that good old way
And who shall wear the starry crown
Good Lord, show me the way !

O sisters let's go down,
Let's go down, come on down,
O sisters let's go down,
Down in the river to pray.

As I went down in the river to pray
Studying about that good old way
And who shall wear the robe and crown
Good Lord, show me the way !

O brothers let's go down,
Let's go down, come on down,
Come on brothers let's go down,
Down in the river to pray.

As I went down in the river to pray
Studying about that good old way
And who shall wear the starry crown
Good Lord, show me the way !

O fathers let's go down,
Let's go down, come on down,
O fathers let's go down,
Down in the river to pray.

As I went down in the river to pray
Studying about that good old way
And who shall wear the robe and crown
Good Lord, show me the way !

O mothers let's go down,
Let's go down, don't you want to go down,
Come on mothers let's go down,
Down in the river to pray.

As I went down in the river to pray
Studying about that good old way
And who shall wear the starry crown
Good Lord, show me the way !

O sinners let's go down,
Let's go down, come on down,
O sinners let's go down,
Down in the river to pray.

As I went down in the river to pray
Studying about that good old way
And who shall wear the robe and crown
Good Lord, show me the way !


LOVE medicine

im having trouble keeping all the characters straight

Sunday, February 1, 2009

"Crown of Thorns"

At the end of this chapter, Gordie hits a deer and later thinks its June that he has killed. But June has already died and we know that its just a deer because Sister Mary Martin goes to the car expecting to find a dead woman and finds a dead deer. So is it just Gordie's drunken state that makes him think he killed June or does he think he killed June in the sense that he did something to make her leave and she got killed on the road?? What do ya'll think??