Love Medicine

Love Medicine
Detail of beadwork from an Ojibwe medicine pouch

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Native American Civil Rights

This article is from Martin Luther King Day. It is about how Native Americans deserve justice and equality just like everyone else.


Maddie B said...

Zoe thank you so much for posting this link. I found this article so interesting. It was so cool to learn that each tribe has its own constitution. I had no idea that Martin Luther King Jr was such a leader of Native American rights. I am just so happy that our nation has progressed in their open mindedness towards people of all races. Martin Luther King Jr and the Native Americans are such an inspiration.

Ashleigh Waters said...

I couldn't agree more that the Native Americans should have equal rights. They are treated unfairly and have their 'promised land' constantly taken away from them. After all, they were on this land before any of us.