Love Medicine

Love Medicine
Detail of beadwork from an Ojibwe medicine pouch

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Cheer Up

If your really nervous about your essay, it could be worse...far worse.

My path to college began in utero, when my mother, who recognized my potential early on, placed headphones on her growing abdomen and played the symphonies of Beethoven. As an infant, I showed a precocious proclivity in mathematics and language arts, and when most of my peers were sticking their fingers in paint I was already reciting certain of Shakespeare’s shorter speeches, with particular emphasis on The Scottish Play and the Dream. My musical talents were no less arresting. I stood out in Music Together class as the only child consistently on beat with my stamping and clapping, and later was told by the teacher of the class that I was uncommonly gifted, and hence eligible for advanced work in rhythmic dance.

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