Love Medicine

Love Medicine
Detail of beadwork from an Ojibwe medicine pouch

Friday, October 31, 2008

Results Results

The Dante's Inferno Test has sent you to the First Level of Hell - Limbo!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Purgatory (Repenting Believers)Moderate
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)Moderate
Level 2 (Lustful)Moderate
Level 3 (Gluttonous)Low
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)Low
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)Low
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)Very Low
Level 7 (Violent)Moderate
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)Moderate
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)Low

Take the Dante's Inferno Test

happy halloween

Halloween Pictures, Images and Photos

Thursday, October 30, 2008

you can find out your deadly sin

cool website for dante's inferno


this is a website that shows some of the special numbers in christianity


Something weird I noticed- the protagonist in the Devil May Cry series is a demon-slayer named Dante, and he has an evil twin brother named Virgil. Guess they only used The Divine Comedy for names, not plot influence.

Devil May Cry Dante

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

What Dreams May Come

I remember seeing a movie called "What Dreams May Come" with Robin Williams as the main character and Cuba Gooding Jr. as his Guide throughout Heaven AND Hell.  It made me cry because it was so good but so sad.  It might have some relation to Dante's Inferno.. Here's the link:



I thought this was so cool. Its like mega detailed. 

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Dante's Inferno

Click here so you can see the picture really big, and you will be able to read the words

on each level it says the seven deadly sins
Since we finished talking about the symbols of numbers, I googled around and came across this site.

Dante's Inferno





Monday, October 27, 2008

Take the Virtual Tour of Hell

Journey through Hell with Virgil and Dante

Ocho Cinco

i dont know if this goes with the numerology thing but

i know that Chad Johnson, or Ocho Cinco now, changed his name to OC to match the number on his Jersey

did he do it for luck(or some reaso related to that) or just cause its his number?!



what your name means in numbers

Sunday, October 26, 2008

does anyone know the username and password to get on to jstor???

Othello's Background

Does anyone know which parts of the story Othello's background or religion ties in?  I have some ideas but they're a little vague. 

Saturday, October 25, 2008

So for turn it in...

is everyone getting this message?!?!

"You may not submit a paper to this assignment until the assignment start date."

or does turnitin not like me?


was anyone unable to turn their paper in or am I just retarded?


Does anyone know the username and password for JSTOR?

Friday, October 24, 2008

I have two questions?? First i can't find the rubric on the homework site, so what am i doing wrong? Second how will we turn this in to because its not a really paper yet?

Thursday, October 23, 2008

othello paper

what are your topics!!!??? im freakin out ahh!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I'm not really sure what you mean Ms. Deckard? Maybe i'm missing stuff but i'm confused as to what you are asking.

Race in the film Othello

Have you noticed that the race question in the play is clearer than in the movie? I think they cut several disparaging references to Othello's blackness in the movie. Why do you think that the director chose to de-emphasize Othello's race in the film? Or do you not agree with me?

Tuesday, October 21, 2008




so do you like the movie or the book betteR?

Othello's Handkerchief


Modern Othello Play (Rock Show)

OTHELLO - The Rock ShowMusic by Larry Hills, book and lyrics by Lyn HillsAn exciting musical concept that begins in Elizabethan times, then 'zaps' into the present, to tell the story of Othello the rock star and his treacherous manager, Iago. Adapted, but faithful to Shakespeare, the mood & feel of the language are used to great dramatic effect as we follow Othello, his band 'MORE', Desdemona (daughter of a record company executive), bass player Cassio & assorted roadies, groupies, journalists etc., on a tour that goes tragically wrong. Wide variety songs & styles from hard rock & blues to lyrical ballads, & minstrel folk song. 100 min. 2 acts, 1 stylised set, 20 speaking parts, variable chorus. 19 songs.

othello movie revew,,300031,00.html

this is the link for the othello movie trailer it's pretty sweeeeeet

Monday, October 20, 2008

Anyone see a resemblance?

I thought they looked similar

Othello Movie

What was the point of the people doing it on top of where Roderigo and Iago were talking...?

Sunday, October 19, 2008

is the quarter over?
Is the paper that we have to do tom just supposed to be a response?


is anyone having trouble downloading the articles from the bulletin board?

Friday, October 17, 2008

Act V of Othello

The Handkerchief

A video of how the handkerchief got to Othello:

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Willow song

This is how the Willow Song actually sounds like except in Italian.
Even in Italian it's creepy.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008



William Shakespeare - Othello Themes Analysis | Mind Map

Tuesday, October 14, 2008



ohk seriously the people that made this video have no lives but it is still pretty funny


why do you think everyones so clueless to Iagos lies?



study guide

does anyon know "what does she say about females who commit adultery?" its number 3 in Act IV scene 3

A ballet of Othello

I was wondering if Bianca is known to be of color, and she is persecuted in the play and society like Othello, or is it just a coincidence in the picture I found she is black??

Study Guide Question

Does anyone know the answer to # 9 on the study guide? It talks about the meaning of Iago's soliloquy near the end of act 2 scene 3. What is Iago's plan and how will he execute it?

Monday, October 13, 2008


in act 4 scene-1 iago tells lodo-whatever his name is that othello has hit his wife Desdemona. When I was reading it I didn't read any scenes that indicated that he hit her.I know Iago told Othello to choke her their bed since,according to Iago, that's where Desdemona and Cassio have been sleeping with eachothet. So did Iago say this just to stir things up or did Othello hit her.

we should totally act out the play in class

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Othello and Iago


A modern day music video based on Othello, through the view of Desdemona:

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Iago's animal words...

Iago uses animal words again to show his vulgar self. In Act 2 scene 1 line 109-he says"wildcats in your kitchen" which is both symbolic because of his use of words but also by his meaning of women being crazy in the kitchen. He continues to talk about his view of women throughout the next two pages.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


I thought that this was funny that the Iago from Aladdin, and the Iago in Othello share the same deceptive characteristics. 


I found this analysis of Iago.

Othello...the game

The Game Othello!...or otherwise known as reversi.

"The name is a reference to the Shakespearean play Othello, the Moor of Venice, referencing the conflict between the Moor Othello and Iago, who describes himself as "two faced" (or more controversially, to the marriage between Othello, who is black, and Desdemona, who is white, recalling the coloring of the game pieces). It can also be likened to a jealousy competition (jealousy being the central theme in Shakespeare's play) since players engulf the pieces of the opponent, thereby turning them their possession."

Othello: A Parody of Heterosexuality?

I read an article stating that some critics believe that Othello is a dark parody of heterosexual relationships. Specifically in Act III Scene III, which we have yet to read. Some critics even believe that Othello has sexual/romantic feelings for Iago. Anyone agree?


The description Moors has referred to several historic and modern populations of Muslim (and earlier non-Muslim) people of Berber and Arab descent from North Africa, some of whom came to inhabit the Iberian Peninsula (which they termed Al Andalus, comprising most of what is now Spain and Portugal). Moors are not distinct or self defined people but an appellation applied by medieval and early modern Europeans primarily to Berbers, but alsoArabs, and Muslim Iberians.[1] As early as 1911, mainstream scholars have recognized that "The term Moors has no real ethnological value."[2]

In the Spanish language, the term for Moors is moro; in Portuguese the word is mouro. There consequently seems to have been some confusion about the relationship of the word moro/mouro with the word moreno (which means tanned or dark or brown-skinned; in origin the term was used to refer to a person with brown or black hair color, regardless of skin or eye color - synonym for Brunette, today both meanings co-exist). However, the two words have different etymological roots, and the Moors, though most were probably swarthy, were not "negro".[3][4]

The Al Andalus Moors of the late Medieval era inhabited the Iberian Peninsula after the Arab conquests of theRashidun and Umayyad Caliphates, and the final Umayyad conquest of Hispania. These conquests stretched south to modern-day Mauritania, Western Sahara, and West African countries as far south as the Senegal River. Earlier, the Classical Romans interacted (and later conquered) Mauretania, a state in what is now Algeria. The people of the region are remembered in Classical literature as the Mauri. This name, not their own, was applied by cultures north of the Mediterranean.

The term, or variations thereof, was later used by European traders and explorers of the 16th to 18th centuries to designate ethnic Berber and Arab groups speaking the Hassaniya Arabic dialect, today inhabiting Mauritania and parts of AlgeriaWestern SaharaMoroccoNiger and Mali. This is the genesis of the name of the modern Islamic Republic of Mauritania, first applied during French Colonial rule. A variation of the term is still used in thePhilippines to designate some Muslim populations.

Speakers of European languages have historically designated a number of ethnic groups "Moors". In modern Iberia, the word remains associated with those of Morrocan ethnicity living in Europe, and is consideredpejorative. It is sometimes used in a wider context to describe any person from North Africa. Similarly, in Spanish, the cognate moro is considered a racist and derogative term. But the Spanish still use it and even think of it as a neutral word in local sayings such as "no hay moros en la costa" (lit. "there are no Moors on the coast," meaning "the coast is clear").

Picture of an actual Moorish Prince

Othello and Iago

Othello Study Guide numero tres

Hey guys, I'm doing the study guide for Act II and i can't find number three: "Athough they all seem to be enjoying themselves on the dock with Iago's cynical comments on weomen, we see that Iago's fierce mood has not abated. What does he observe, and what does he conclude?"
Does Iago just conclude that women, people in general, don't work as hard as they should or something along those lines. Or is there something I'm not getting... help?

Monday, October 6, 2008

READ go down the page to the part about race i found this interesting

O.J. Simpson

Does anyone find it ironic that we are reading Othello at the same time that O.J. Simpson was newly convicted of a crime, thirteen years after the aquittal of his first crime that just so happens to parallel to Shakespeare's play

Sunday, October 5, 2008

creepy preview for Othello
Christian Bale plays Othello

This is the first page of the original manuscript written about 1604


Saturday, October 4, 2008


here's an interesting painting of Othello and Desdemona by Alexandre-Marie Colin

Friday, October 3, 2008


to the left Iago is ploting his evil in Aladdin and on the right Iago just lloks evil as he is speaking to Othello

the Black Knight

I just remebered the movie Black Knight starting Martin Lawrence, he went back in time and was thought as a Moor, because they don't have a lot of Africans in Europe. This reminds me of Othello:


here's a webpage that has information on Moors:

creep pic

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Reduced Shakespeare Company- Othello Rap
Sarah posted a video of just one guy rapping, but here's the original version.

im not sure if this is the right othello because i havent read it yet but if it is...sweeet

Trailer of the Movie Othello


a picture of Othello