Love Medicine

Love Medicine
Detail of beadwork from an Ojibwe medicine pouch

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


so do you like the movie or the book betteR?


rbreaux said...

i like the movie because you are able to see what is going on. I understand what is happening more in the movie than in the book. However, i do read along in the book during the movie and there is a lot that has been cut out. Really whole scenes were cut out in the movie.

Kiberico said...

i like the movie more because i understand it now. I can see what is going on each scene and not be confused.

Samantha said...

I like the book better because I feel like I can't always understand what the characters are saying in the movie. The book helped me to analyze what they meant more carefully. The movie seems kind of cheesy and I feel like I'm laughing when the director is going for a suspenseful moment.

Emily A said...
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Emily A said...

I agree with Sam, the book is better.
The movie isn't true to the lines in the book. So the movie may be easier to understand by itself, but it can also be confusing in that it differs from the book in order of scenes and lines. Robert makes a good point that entire scenes are cut out from the movie, making it a bit more confusing and harder to read along in the book.

Jessica Deckard said...

I think the play does a better job of emphasizing imagery and metaphors. The movie cuts a lot, but does a nice job of trying to remind us of those metaphors through visual images. Did you notice that when Othello addressed the Duke for example while they were still in Venice, he stood to the left of a candle and the candle was bright and in the middle of the frame. candles, fire and lamps figure prominently in the play. I also like the use of the chess pieces.

Ele said...

i like the book better. Mostly because of what Emily and Sam said but i also had some set images and the way people acted in my mind for each character and the movie had different views that what i did

danield said...
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danield said...

Honestly, i hate both, but if i had to choose, i would say the movie because its easier to follow along, but it basically is still in a DIFFERENT LANGUAGE.

hana said...

i like the book better because it leaves things up for discussion. The diction used to create imagery and metaphors is much better in the book. i think the movie left out some important lines. i did enjoy the movie though because it helped me understand things better. the actors facial expressions and mannerisms put things in a better perspective for me

garrett said...

i thought i would like the movie better but i ended up liking both. The movie really stood true to the book and the book was good.

Bo W said...

what? everyone likes the book better? the movie is so much better because with the movie you can actually understand what they are conveying not just by their dialogue but also by their facial expression, body language and the background setting