Love Medicine

Love Medicine
Detail of beadwork from an Ojibwe medicine pouch

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


why do you think everyones so clueless to Iagos lies?


Kiberico said...

i guess he is just that convincing, and he knows how to twist peoples words i guess. And i guess people think he is a trust worthy person because he like gives them "advice", well they think its advice but its really just trickery

Mister Dee said...

I've wondered the same thing myself. Why didn't someone just eavesdrop on Iago?

Emily A said...

Everyone is clueless to Iago's lies because it's in the script. If everyone knew Iago's mischievious plot, then the plans wouldn't work and there wouldn't be a play.
Or maybe everyone is just stupid and oblivious to Iago's lies.

Ele said...

hm well if you go back to Greek times (something poets of Shakespeare's time loved to do i think), the world was believed to be filled with illusions, deceptions and lies. Humans cannot see the truth and sometimes they participate in these lies. Sometimes it is on purpose and sometimes it isn't. I personally think that Emilia chooses not to see the truth while the others just cant see it

alexlawhon said...

just makes the story better, why does every group of people in horror movie history try and solve it when doing about a billion other things would be so so much simpler

rbreaux said...

it probably has to d with both points. If everyone knew about Iago's plot against Othello then there would not be a story. Also Iago is good at lying. he use other people's views to make himself look like a good person.

Unknown said...

Iago has built up his reputation, so people believe what he says is reputable and that Iago is honest.

danield said...

Because its just the way the story goes

hana said...

noone eavesdrops on Iago because noone ever suspects him to be the bad guy. his own wife knows his devious characteristics but even she was shocked to find out he betrayed her by making her a part of his plan - handkerchief

he plays the middle man to see what everyone is doing and saying so he is one step ahead of everyone

lawrence said...

I think the reaon why everyone is so clueless is because is Iago is very smart and everyone else is so gullable. And because he has no moral boundaries he has no problem planning the murder of Cassio or killing Roderigo in order to further himself in life.