I noticed as I was reading the "Native American Mythology" part of the packet that the trickster figures were known as practical jokers, were often mischievous, but also were associated with magical powers. I just thought this belief in Native American Mythology was very interesting and another thing I didn't know about. So since the best known trickster figure was the Coyote, I found a cute picture of a young coyote (just for Awww's) =P.
awee this is so cute!!! so what did the coyotes exactly do for these tricksters? Like, what was their purpose?
Ok well, in the Native American Mythology part of the packet, Coyote was one of the best known trickster figures because he was part of many Native stories. In these stories I found it cool that he can bring benefits to human beings as a hero, but he can also appear greedy, or promiscuous just like an Epic hero that has a few flaws. If there is such a thing.
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