Love Medicine

Love Medicine
Detail of beadwork from an Ojibwe medicine pouch

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Homework for Wed. April 1

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Sherman Alexie
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorNASA Name Contest



Emily A said...

I thought the video of Alexie on the Colbert Report was quite clever. I look forward to reading "Indian Killer."
Alexie's childhood reminded me faintly of Edgar Mint, only in that they both faced severe medical conditions as children and not only survived, but also had no long-term damage. Amazing!
I also thought it was cool that some of Alexie's work has made it to the big screen.

Isma said...

I was thinking that Colbert and Alexie were going to start an actually fight for some moments of the video to be honest, but I was awed at how Alexie was so calm and collected, plus he is pretty funny.
I'm also amazed on how much he has accomplished throughout his lifetime. Like Emily said, Alexie and Edgar's like are quite similar b/c both suffered from brain damage while young and excelled at writing. I also find it cool that there's a film industry called "Shadow Catcher entertainment."
I look forward to reading this novel as well.

Christine Schmidt said...

I think he is funny i like his sense of humor and he seems like a nice guy. I read in his bio that he started reading at a really young age, he seems like an interesting guy.

Kiberico said...

Alexie must have seen the show before becuase he handled everything so well and joked with Colbert.Alexie has to be a funny guy because remember we read that he liked to do stand-up comedy.

Samantha said...

I agree with Emily. I immediately thought of Edgar when I read that Alexie had a condition with his brain and wasn't expected to live or live a normal life, but ended up beating all odds and was fine just like Edgar. Just as Edgar encountered miracle after miracle in his life, Alexie's literature and other work got him award after award, which in some ways could seem like one miracle after another. They both turned out to unexpectedly live and become successful.

Mister Dee said...

Oh how I love The Colbert Report