Love Medicine

Detail of beadwork from an Ojibwe medicine pouch
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Notes We Took In Class
Native American Video Characters
Direction for Native American education
- improve reading and mathematics
- increase high school completion and post secondary attendance rate
- reduce the influence of long standing factors that impede educational performance, such as poverty and substance abuse
- create strong, safe, and drug-free school environments
- improve science education
- expand the use of educational technology"
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Thorpe Award
Hampton University
Friday, February 26, 2010
The Carlisle School
Into the West
Jim Thorpe
John Collier- American Indian Defense Association secretary
Very cool website, with reflections of former Boarding school students.
Seaworld Trainer gets killed by Killer Whale..good article
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Indian Boarding School
Tiger Woods' Apology Speech
Tiger's Apology
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Carlisle Indian Industrial School
Indian New Deal
Treatment of Indian Students
This is the most straight-forward description that really helped me understand the reality of being a Native American child in the early 1900s.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Chemawa Indian School
This is the wikipedia page to the Chemawa school which opened in 1880 and as of 2005 was still currently open serving as a high school.
The Onion Reports - 10th circle added to hell
Nietzche's Übermensch
Today in class, Ms. Deckard mentioned the Nazi concept of a "Superman", the strong, tall, blond-haired, blue eyed Aryan male. She mentioned the name of the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche as the origin of this ideal. However, while Nietzsche is indeed the originator, there is a distinct difference between Nietzsche's Übermensch and the Nazi version.
Let's begin at the beginning. Friedrich Nietzsche was a philosopher of the late 19th century, about half a century before World War II. As you should know, Nietzsche is the one who said, "God is dead", but there is much more to Nietzsche then that statement. You can summarize Nietzsche's opinion of Christianity in one word: abhorrence. He saw Christianity as a sickness, and as proof of this he wrote an entire book bashing Christianity (along with many other religions) and appropriately titling it The Anti-Christ. Nietzsche saw nearly all Judeo-Christian ethics, especially pity, as decadent.
Seeing as how he damned Christianity, the obviously dominant moral and religious model in Western culture, Nietzsche needed an alternative. Therefore, he created his Übermensch, which is best personified by the eponymous character in his novel, Thus Spoke Zarathustra. His Übermensch was named after the famous Persian prophet, Zoroaster (Zarathustra being the German rendering of the name), and to my recollection was almost never given defining physical traits, such as blond hair, blue eyes, or even nationality. Other than his old age, the only time I can remember Zarathustra ever being given a definition in his character was when at one point Zarathustra spoke, "I shall speak in clear German to you."
So, how does this translate to Nazi Supermen? Simple, Nietzsche had a sister named Elizabeth, who was married to an anti-Semite. In 1889, Nietzsche suffered a mental breakdown (the causes are a mystery, but many suspect syphilis), and was put under the care of his sister. His sister was now entitled to all of his works, and after a few "edits", Nietzsche's work, including his beloved Zarathustra, wast changed to promote anti-Semitic views, and Nietzsche's Übermensch was changed from a goal intended for those who had morals without Christianity (Nietzsche also hated nihilists, as well as pessimists) to the Aryan superman Ms. Deckard was mentioning today in class.
As a final note, I'd like to explain that Nietzsche was in no way an anti-Semite, or even patriotic of his country. He even stated in one of his books that if he could go back, he wished he would have written Zarathustra in French. Furthermore, Übermensch has sprouted many arguments in its exact translation. The most common translations are superman or overman, but the prefix uber can mean superiority, transcendence, or excessiveness. Because of this, many modern translations of Nietzsche's work don't translate the word. If you are curious as to how he was not an anti-Semite, you can read more here.
P.S. During class, I briefly searched the topics we discussed in class, and failed to close it before leaving for art. Being a tall, blond-haired, blue-eyed male, I realized the potential situation in opening my laptop to have the Wikipedia page for Ethnic Cleansing viewable. Thanks, Ms. Deckard.
A Town Full of Twins
Monday, February 22, 2010
HW: Indian Boarding Schools
Indian Country Diary
p.s. its not that interesting...
actually its not at all.
Enjoy :)
Homework for Feb. 23 (Read this for Tuesday)
Over the Break
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Mardi Gras Indians
This contains an interesting bit of information regarding the Mardi Gras Indians. They are basically a combination between african american culture and native american.
PSA: The Importance of Internets Security
First thing is your password. Passwords such as "1234567" are not ideal passwords. Choose something that you can easily remember, but still pretty cryptic. You'll be safe with a ten digit number, but if you want to be super tricky, you can put a letter or two in there. However, I'll explain why password strength isn't all that important, but having a decently strong password is still invaluable.
Now I'd like to educate you in how your account can be stolen. Because most people have strong passwords, many account-stealers assume that the password will not be cracked. This method is also deterred by many programs locking the account after multiple incorrect attempts. Because of this, gaining direct access to someone's account by guessing the password is a very illogical method, unless the thief has a good clue as to what the password is, which he or she shouldn't since you should never give out your password.
So, how do people gain access to your account? Well, one of the more popular methods is "phishing". Phishing is when you ignorantly give out your password to a site under the guise of being legitimate. I'm sure you could find a phisher on Facebook pretending to be a quiz for which Twilight character you're like the most, but they can also be seen through e-mails. The bottom line is this: keep your password safe and don't give your information out to a website you're unsure about, and be careful of what quizzes you take on Facebook.
However, there is another, more clever way to gain access to someone's account, one that doesn't require much output from you. I don't know if this has a name, but this method is achieved by abusing the "Forgot Password?" utility. A little more than a year ago, Sarah Palin's e-mail made national news when it was "hacked". I don't really like calling it hacking, because that implies it requires someone to be tech-savvy. I'll explain why Palin's hacked e-mail could have been done by any of us at St. Martin's. The guy who gained access to Palin's e-mail used the method I just introduced. He went to password recovery, and it asks the series of questions to prove you are the owner of the e-mail. The three questions asked were ones like, "Where did you meet your husband?" and other questions that were based off of Palin's life. All it took was the Vice Presidential Candidate's Wikipedia page to find the answers, and he then had access to one of the most powerful women of the time.
So be smart even about those things. If your screenname is "BrittanySpearsfan777" (which is my name on imvu), don't make your answer for, "Who is your favorite singer?" Brittany. Make it someone either unknown or someone you haven't mentioned. For instance, BrittanySpearsfan777's favorite singer should instead be Corpsegrinder from Cannibal Corpse. Not only is that hilarious, but an attempted intruder would probably never guess it. Things like these are especially dangerous on Facebook where you give out a lot of your information.
So remember kids, have fun on your internets, but safety comes first.
<3 Shiloh, King of Hearts and Internet Superhero.
P.S. inb4 product spam. I'm waiting for the posts to become lewd.
Friday, February 12, 2010
indian removal
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
use the thread to help study
Native American Lawsuit
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Setting of Love Medicine
Chippewa Indian History
Monday, February 8, 2010
Louise Erdrich Strives To Save Independent Bookstores
A Few Great Videos
This second video i found is pretty cool. It a short faux-trailer of the chapter "Crown of Thorns" where Gordie endlessly drinks and shouts June's name and struggles to turn many loud noises on to mask seeing or hearing June.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Here is another website analyzing evidence to support his resurrection.
Actual Love Medicine
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Leonard Peltier
Corny Native American Jokes
Nector's Alcoholism
As a result of new technology, "researchers are finding direct effects of chronic drinking on the brain and liver... Imaging studies have revealed a consistent association between heavy drinking and physical brain damage, even in the absence of other usual symptoms of severe alcoholism -- chronic liver disease or alcohol-induced dementia." (
If Nector wasn't such a heavy drinker, do you think that he would have turned out more like Eli?
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Chicken, Alaska!
Susy, a character from the chapter The Red Convertible, is from Chicken.
Here is the link to the city's website:
In case anyone wanted to know...Chicken, Alaska DOES actually exist
This is a google map of where Chicken is located within Alaska^^
Crown of thorns
Incident at Oglala
Mary Martin de Porres
When she walks down to the room with her clarinet and her music books, she puts something on called an Afghan. I was confused as to what that is so researched it a little bit. This attachment explains a little bit more about it.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Louise Erdrich
Shroud of Turin