Love Medicine

Love Medicine
Detail of beadwork from an Ojibwe medicine pouch

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Yooo, Okay, I just finished studying for the test. I was wondering if anyone had an further quotes or ID ideas they could give me. If not it's cool. Also for the chapter "Crown of Thorns," I forgot the main points of what happened in that chapter. So if anyone could give me a short overview, that would be quite helpful. Thank you!!! (=

1 comment:

Molly A. said...

these are some very basic notes i have on that chapter:

Crown of Thorns: (1981) the first part is told by the unnamed narrator. The story is presented to the reader. Mary Martin would believe Gordie that he killed his wife because he seemed so serious. Mary Martin was grateful that the deer was not a women. Gordie was scared when he said Junes name because it calls upon the dead. This same belief was presented in the Island.