Love Medicine

Love Medicine
Detail of beadwork from an Ojibwe medicine pouch

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Lonely Polygamist

Brady Udall has a new book coming out called the Lonely Polygamist. It comes out May 3, 2010 and it is about a man named Golden Richards who has 4 wives and 28 children. The story is about his polygamist life while he is enduring a midlife crisis.

Brady Udall

Just some facts on Brady Udall:

1. Grew up in St. John's, Arizona.
2. Went to Brigham Young University and then the University of Iowa.
3. His uncle was a U.S. Congressman
4. He now teaches at Boise State University

Monday, March 29, 2010


Does anyone know who is Raymond in the book? I know he works at the school but I don't know what he does for the school.

Extra Credit Opportunity - April 17 - Angola Rodeo

The Angola Rodeo is April 17 & 18. If you'd like to go, we can organize a non-school sanctioned, renegade field trip. You organize the car pool and collect ticket money, I'll be the point man for ticket orders and print up maps. We can meet there, or just "run into each other" and enjoy the crazy day. I am not chaperoning this trip, but I can be there to watch out for you if you parents are nervous. A better idea - bring them with!

Chris Cabral has volunteered to organize this. Tickets are $12.50 and that includes the handling fee. Please e-mail him ( and tell him if you want to go, and bring him $12.50 CASH. You need to do this ASAP!

Crow Symbolism

After doing a little research, symbolism of the crow goes so many different ways. In all different countries of the world, they had a different depiction of the crow.

Check it out!

There is a blurb about the Native American view of them, which is quoted below. This should help understand the poem.

"Crow has been likened to the trickster of Native American power animals. There was a man who hated crows because he thought they prevented him from trapping rabbits. He decided to try to frighten them by putting mirrors on the ground facing skyward so the birds would see their reflections and be scared away. Crow, a curious bird ,and was fascinated by the mirrors and decided to explore them. One by one, they desecrated the mirrors’ surfaces, then flew into a tree and cackled at what they had done."

Sunday, March 28, 2010


At the end of the chapter where Edgar's mom dies, he cries to Maria. I remember her from previous chapters, however i don't remember who she is! Can someone enlighten me?


I wasn't aware that Native Americans had their own music awards, and I found this a very informative website on the matter.

Phineas Gage

This is a story about brain damage I was reminded of recently, and it could help spread some light on some odd things with Edgar.


Edgar is beginning to change. He's starting to act violently in certain situations such as when he beats up Walter Reed and kicks Rotten Teeth in the groins.

Cavalry Stables

In the chapter Cavalry Stables, I think it is a time when all of the students come together for once. At the end they explain that they continue the dance and howling around the fire like the "savages" they were. All of the boys have never had a moment where they all agreed on something, but here they seem to finally understand each other. It took one person's death to bring about 80 boys together. I think it may have some significance.

Stewart Udall

In class when we first started reading The Mircacle Life of Edgar Mint, Ms. Deckard mentioned that the author, Brady Udall, was from a family full of politicians. I just saw on the news that one of his relatives, Stewart Udall, who served as secretary of the interior with John F. Kennedy, died about a week ago. He served six years in Congress as a democrat from Arizona before heading to the Interior Department for eight years under President Kennedy and Johnson. I just figured I would post this on the blog since he was pretty closely related to the author of the book we are reading.

Havasupai Tribe

Information regarding the tribe that Cecil belongs to.

I implore you to look at some of the waterfall pics, they are absolutely gorgeous.

P.S. Count this towards last week.


"Ficky-fick," Cecil said.
"Ficky-fick," I said.
"Oh mama," Cecil said.

So, apparently ficky-fick is a real word, at least according to the urban dictionary.


So i still don't understand this whole thing with Barry Pinkley .... what is his deal? He now finds Edgar at his school and takes him away from there like he planned to do at the hospital. I mean i understand he says he's going to bring him to his mother and all and that he has found her. Why does he care so much about Edgar?.. what is it about him that makes him so attached to Edgar?.. in helping him.. caring for him... saving his life.. checking up on him all the time.. finding his mother.. i just don't understand Barry very well. And also it's kind of creepy when they pull up to the house and he tells Edgar not to worry about the dogs and that they only bite the police... like the police are bad or something?!

Symbolic Consumption

So far in the novel, we've encountered different types of consumption, each with their own symbolic meaning. We saw Art eat the dirt from his family's graves, Nelson eat the marble, Cecil eat the heart, and most recently Edgar eat the dirt from his mother's grave. I'm sure that Edgar was imitating what Art had done with the dirt from his family's graves, but I though that the differences between the two are very interesting. We mentioned in class that Art's consumption was more of a repentant act, somewhat atoning for his family's death, which was his fault. He wanted his family to be a part of him, so he eats the dirt.

Edgar's consumption really intrigues me because, while he was probably imitating Art, the relation between Art's relationship and Edgar's relationship is very different, and I think that this is reflected with the consumption. Edgar hardly knew his mother, and whenever he saw her she was drunk. He often fantasized about her living in a sunny California or some other Utopian reality. However, when he tried to eat the dirt from his mother's grave, he couldn't. She was hardly ever present in his life, and it's interesting that Edgar can not make her a part of him (through the dirt). I thought that that symbolism was interesting, and I hope we touch up on in more in class.

Seth's Buffalo Nickel

I thought what Seth posted on the blog about the Buffalo Nickel was interesting so I decided to look up a picture of it. If you click on the picture it will show you the back of it with the buffalo.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Buffalo Nickel

I've just found something that i haven't come across in a while. The US mint distributed a nickel with a buffalo on the front and the picture of an Indian Chief on the back. I was wondering why they would do that if they were so concerned about ridding the US of their "Indian" cultures. Why would they circulate a tribute around the nation if they were so set on assimilating these "barbaric" people?

Friday, March 26, 2010

edgar mint

how does barry know where edgar is when barry shows up at he school?
umm i don't know about y'all but i think its really weird that Cecil eats the heart of a frog.....yeah


some fancydancing.

new blog

for those that havent seen the email yet, apparently blogster is being updated with new features, for instance you can now use paragraphs. this should help with really long blog posts.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


here is a website explaining different variations of marble games.
and for a game with such simple materials, there are quite a few ways to play.

Yanomamo Tribe

In addition to what Ms. Deckard taught us in class, and the pictures she showed us, this is a website that tells a little bit about all of the aspects of the Yanomamo Indian Tribe of Brazil.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Fort Apache

There are a lot of different things that come up when you google Fort Apache. The first result was an old western movie. John Wayne and Shirley Temple are the stars of the movie, and it seems like a generic, corny Cowboy and Indian movie. I've attached the trailer.

I also found a vintage board game called Fort Apache. I couldn't find the rules or objective to the game but it seems like it has a Risk-like feel to it.

The last thing I found was Fort Apache used as a metaphor for a shelter from a hostile place.

"Peace Off"

As i was stumbling, i came across this website called "Fredo and Pidjin." It is about to pidgins that are out to destroy the world. I was really bored, so i kept hitting random and came across this. I thought it was funny and thought of this class! It shows the stereotype and makes fun of how all of the Native Americans have war tomahawks and smoke peace pipes.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Book Covers

I was looking for something else when I came across all these alternate book covers for The Miracle Life of Edgar Mint. I think book covers are pretty important because most of the time it's the first impression of the book that makes a reader decide to read the book or not, and also the cover can convey so many different ideas about the book before the prospective reader looks at the back synopsis or inside cover.

Brady Udall (Wikipedia)

Wikipedia page for Brady Udall:
Information in article:
- Born in St. John's, AZ
- Graduated Brigham University
- Teaches writing at Boise State University now
- The Miracle Life of Edgar Mint was Udall's debut novel

The Miracle Life of Edgar Mint Movie Trailer

This is a trailer for the movie, "The Miracle Life of Edgar Mint":


Do we have to use a certain amount of quotes in our Journal entries?

Also, I am not sure how many classes I will be able to attend this week, so if anyone has any notes they take this week that they would not mind sending me I would really appreciate it!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

class on friday

i missed class Friday because i was sick..what did we do?

Brady Udall

This is actually an interesting article talking about Brady Udall as a child and how he came to write The Miracle Life of Edgar Mint.


so for each journal entry do we just use one topic from each section on that paper?


is there a particular length this journal needs to be?

Interesting Documentary about Sherman's March

This documentary (or as Ms. Deckard pronounces it, documen-tary) is three years old, but really good. It was made for the History Channel, so you can assume that it entertains (and dedicates twenty minutes to Nostradamus and the Freemasons). If anyone is interested in my previous post, I strongly recommend you check out this documentary.

William Sherman and the Civil War

William Tecumseh Sherman was born February 8th, 1820 in Ohio. His middle name actually comes from a Shawnee chief, although some reports claim that Tecumseh was his birth-name, and he wasn't called William until he was ten or so.

Sherman is famous for his role in the Civil War, but his military career had begun twenty years prior. In 1840, he even fought against the Seminole Tribe in Florida. However, during these twenty years, he was more of a businessman and superintendent than a soldier. However, once the Civil War had started in 1861, he reluctantly joined the army once more.

He was first commissioned as a colonel, and his first battle in the Civil War was the Battle of Bull Run, which was a disastrous loss to the Union Army. During this time of the war, Sherman suffered from a nervous breakdown due to his own doubts regarding his leadership. He felt outnumbered by the rebels, and was had a pessimistic attitude towards the war. Sherman recovered by December, and by March, Sherman was serving under Ulysses S. Grant, who was proving himself an extremely capable leader.

Sherman's first battle under Grant was the Battle of Shiloh. As you may know, the battle was so vicious that they named it after me. The battle was a Confederate surprise attack, and the first day showed overwhelming Confederate victory. However, the damage that the Confederates had done raised the Union Army's Limit Break to the max, so the next day, Sherman used Omnislash and the Union ended the battle victorious. Because of this, Sherman leveled up and gained the rank of major general (cue Final Fantasy VII Victory Fanfare)

After that, Sherman and Grant's careers ascended. I'll skip all of that and go to Georgia, where Sherman proved himself to be either a madman or a genius. Sherman proceeded to invade Georgia, with simple reasoning; Atlanta was practically the economic heart of the Confederacy. It had many railroads that allowed transportation of all kinds of needs, including military. Destroying Atlanta would severely cripple the Confederacy. And that's exactly what Sherman did. On September 2, 1864, he ordered his troops to burn all government and military buildings. He didn't want to stop there. After Lincoln was re-elected (the Democrats were pushing for a peaceful resolution to the war, and was willing to acknowledge the Confederacy as a separate, sovereign entity. Interesting to think how that would have turned out.), he gave Sherman the order to proceed to Savannah. During Sherman's March, he ordered his troops to operate under scorched earth policies, meaning they burnt land and crops, killed livestock, and destroyed basically anything that the enemy could use. While this tactic is devastating to the enemy, it could also be devastating to the offensive army should a defending one push them back.

However, Sherman's confidence didn't betray him. On December 21st, 1864, Savannah was captured. After this victory, Sherman fought in one more campaign and the war was over.

Now you know why Sherman is one of the most notable generals of the Civil War. However, I couldn't find anything much information about his relations towards Native Americans, so I assume the reason why the upcoming chapter we're reading is named after him is because he's a notable general and the school is a military school.

Brady Udall

Here is a link of an interview with Brady Udall about the book "The Miracle Life of Edgar Mint"


Does the book say why Ismore is in the hospital?

The Apache Chief Super Hero

"Apache Chief's main power is the ability to become larger; he can only do this by saying the words "Inyuk-chuk" which in his language means "Big Man". It is said that his powers have no limit. The Native American hero obtained his powers one day walking with the chief of his tribe. Both the chief and the young brave were confronted by a bear. While the young brave became fearful, the chief remained calm, suspecting that this was just the occasion for the brave's dormant powers to be revealed."

Another instance of hilarious stereotyping.

Apache Tribe

An interesting, although the design is a bit bland, website. Contains a convenient time line, links, etc. It's worth a look at.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Syracuse is going to kick Gonzaga's butt

What do you think about that? Hm, Robert?


what page do we have to read to for monday?

Friday, March 19, 2010


I thought this project was interesting and rather easy. I liked how much freedom Ms. Deckard gave us to do what we wanted. Doing this project, I learned about the area of Arizona, which will hopefully help me visualize Edgar Mint's setting much better. Overall, this was a fun project that I think we all enjoyed!

Senior Summer Reading!

The purpose of us reading the book The Miracle Lide of Edgar Mint, is for us to leave high school, and have the desire to read books on our own. This book is an enjoyable book and if you like it, here are two other books that Beady Udall has written that you might enjoy!

The Lonely Polygamist: A Novel
Letting Loose the Hounds: Stories

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Brady Udall

Brady Udall grew up in a large Mormon family in Arizona. He graduated from Brigham Young University and later attended the Iowa Writers' Workshop. He once was a faculty member of Franklin & Marshall College starting in 1998, then Southern Illinois University, and now he teaches writing at Boise State University. His debut novel The Miracle Life of Edgar Mint was published in 2001. The Lonely Polygamist was published in May 2010.

Apache Rose Peacock

I was listening to Apache Rose Peacock by The Red Hot Chili Peppers and it is an incredible song! It is about a woman that Anthony Keidis met on a trip to New Orleans. It reminded of the Apache Unit were doing in class!

Kiedis' family didn't think they had Indian blood, but they did some research, and they are related to the Mohawk Indians. Anthony used to dream going to a reservation one day and meet the girl of his dreams. He has two incredible Indian tattoos, one a picture of a Haida Thunderbird. This artwork comes from the tribes of the Pacific Northwest and is a stylization of an eagle across his back :

and on both arms he has two tattoos of Indian Chiefs. One is of Chief Joseph and the other is of Sitting Bull:

VERY explicit lyrics


Quick question... does anyone remember when the journals are due.?! i know we have to do them... but i dont remember when we need to do them by! helppp

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Yo, does anybody know what page we are supposed to read to tonight? It's not on the HW site and I thought I remember her saying it was going to be. So if you remember or whatever just lemme know! thanks.... amanda


Another good website is, it even has a "build your own itinerary" section!

P.S. If anyone plans on going to the Grand Canyon, from personal experience, I do not recommend riding a mule to the bottom and back! It was cool, but painful!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


hey guys, i found this website that has really cool things to see and do in Phoenix.
I have found it to be very helpful

Monday, March 15, 2010

9 Real-Life Levels of Hell

So I stumbled across this and I thought it was very funny. It relates back to Dante, kinda. It actually has no educational value whatsoever, but I thought other people might enjoy reading it :)

San Carlos Indian Reservation

The reservation is famous for being the home of Native American chief Geronimo (the guy on one of the posters in Ms. D's room). The reservation is still operating and controls a large casino. The whole history of the reservation is pretty interesting, so I suggest reading a little about it.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Native American Newspaper

If you want to read up on current events concerning Native Americans then look no further.


I found this to be a very captivating song sung by the cherokees.

Kill the Indian, Save the Man

This is a video of a digital story about a woman's uncle who attended one of the boarding schools and choked on soap and died when they stuck it in his mouth.
This is a link to a picture of kids in a boarding school: . You can tell that they cut their hair, make them dress the same way, and do the same things as they describe in the articles/video.

Day Light Savings

I was watching Chelsea Lately on E! the other night, and she talked about Indians and made a comment about Indians and casinos. I would have never gotten the connection if it wasn't for that project!
Does anyone know where I could find the articles?

homework assignment

Do we have to use both of the JSTOR articles in our paper?

homework assignment

Do we have to use both of the JSTOR articles in our paper?

Friday, March 12, 2010

Dave Chappelle-Native Americans

This is a video of comedian Dave Chappelle retelling his story about his "experience" with Native Americans. Its really funny but kinda inappropriate.


Indian Boarding School

Here is an article about this woman's experience at an Indian Boarding School.

here is a picture of a native ameriacan student before and after...very cool picture

native american colleges

as well as having native american colleges and universities. here is a website to look at them.

Tribal leaders meet in Washington

I found this article about The National Congress of American Indians, which met in Washington, D.C. to meet with legislators and policymakers. Leaders from America's 526 nationally recognized Native American tribes discussed strategies for getting Congress and the Obama administration on a host of political, economic and social issues, including questions of sovereignty for American Indian nations and tribes.

Music Around the World

This a video of musicians from around the world playing "Stand by me." I thought it was very interesting especially because there many musicians from the French Quarter. I feel like it pertains this class because there is an Indian tribe playing this drum made out of stretched animal skin. Very very cool!


Thursday, March 11, 2010

party like its 1879!

so on the same topic of close-minded ridiculousness, outdated ideals, and assimilation to "approved" ways; i found this recent article on the somewhat evasive maneuvers of one 'Itawamba county school district'. 'Kill the prom, save the __________'


I was very confused on what happened in the Epilogue. In the end, who is Luther Samaunt? When he was "hanging" did he end up dying or did he live? What is the point of this?


Okay I am confused on who beat up Gregory. Was it the school children or people from the agency? Or neither, I feel like I just completely missed that when we read today.

Go Go Gophers- Indian Treasure

Stereotyping is a funny thing, apparently it takes the shape of gophers in Native American garments.

Dante Inferno An Animated Epic

Oh god...Well folks, the animated version of Dante's Inferno is finally out. You can probably rent it at your local Blockbuster or find it online. Either way, it is just as ridiculous as you'd expect.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Here is a very interesting and insightful quote in my opinion by N. Scott Momaday:

"Writing engenders in us certain attitudes toward language. It encourages us to take words for granted. Writing has enabled us to store vast quantities of words indefinitely. This is advantageous on the one hand but dangerous on the other. The result is that we have developed a kind of false security where language is concerned, and our sensitivity to language has deteriorated. And we have become in proportion insensitive to silence." - N. Scott Momaday


Ms. Deckard mentioned Bureaucratese for a second in class today. Here are literal translations of the word from

1. "A style of language, used esp. by bureaucrats, that is full of circumlocutions, euphemisms, buzzwords, abstractions, etc."

2. "A style of language characterized by jargon and euphemism that is used especially by bureaucrats: 'Soviet bureaucratese, especially the tongue-twisting acronyms and alien-sounding portmanteau words of the state security apparatus.'"

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Mother Goodeye

I am wondering about Mother Goodeye and why she is at the boarding school? I know she is the mother of Emdotha and that he is the janitor at the school but why is she actually there?

Simple Jack

This is a sort of satirical response to a line that Emdotah says before he recites the prayers by the boys. He says, "We are a dream in the heads of children.." after this, I immediately thought of this clip from the movie, Tropic Thunder.

its only 20 seconds so take a look!


Hey guys, I had to miss class this Monday and Tuesday, so if anyone has any helpful notes they took in class or anything important that we discussed could you please e-mail me.. thank you! (;

Always have another question

I'm not exactly sure where and why Emdotah comes into the picture. I know he is a Kiowa man, but I'm not sure what his main purpose is. And what's the deal with he and mother goodeye giving thanks at the end of Act 1 (39-40). I know before that they were talking about the children and their safety, but then they go on to talk about the darkness? i guess where the children will end up?

Monday, March 8, 2010

Pierre-Auguste Renoir

Pierre-Aguste Renoir is the artist of the painting Ms. Deckard showed us in class. This is biography of the artist and some of his other famous paintings can be found on the website.

Here is a nice biography for Scott Momaday

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Scott Momaday Quote

I find this Scott Momaday quote very interesting and thought intriguing!

"I sometimes think the contemporary white American is more culturally deprived than the Indian."
i came across this and thought i would share it with yall...its an apology from the gov of canada to native americans about the indian boarding schools
i really like momadays style of writing and looked up some more info on his backround etc...i found this interview really intresting...

just a little ?

So we were talking about how Gregory is the more sensitive one in Act. 1 scene 1.. then why is it that wheritt always says how much he loves the children and stuff like that. I don't get how he's not really caring about the kids since he says the different positive things about them as well??


on the homework site is says we have to finish act 1 and read all of act 2... is this correct? because that is around 40 pages..

Friday, March 5, 2010

Trespassing on Native American grounds

This article is about how a group of Native Americans are joining together to stop the Utah Transit Authority. The Native Americans claim the UTA is trespassing on sacred burial grounds. The Native Americans feel disrespected and ignored because of this. Here is the link to the article.

scene 2

How old is John? Because it is somewhat obvious that John Pai and Carrie have something going on between them. She seems to be attracted to him physically and mentally. I know Carrie is John's teacher but they seem close in age.

Assimilation through education

This is a good example of how a society can use childhood favorites to send messages to little kids. Today i was stumbling (on StumbleUpon), and found this which reminded me of class.

"Published in 1948, this mostly forgotten children's book from Disney contains an extremely racist African caricature that comes to live with Mickey Mouse who is amused and angered by the lad's "silly and primitive ways."

It shows a black character showing up through a crate of banana's labeled "West African Bananas." I assume this was used to express a very common stereotype to express children the danger of African Americans, during the time of severe racism in the United States.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Act 1, Scene 2

Does anyone know what the "seminary" is that John Pai gets accepted into in this chapter? I know it's in New York however it seems to be a great honor!

blog views

I don't know if everyone has been keeping up with the cluster map but it shows the places all over the world where people are viewing our blog. It's actually kind of cool. It's not what I'd expect, but there are actually a lot of people viewing our posts.

Details about the Great Plains

The great plains are in the central United States and take up all of Oklahoma and other states. There are usually no trees (tiny shrubs maybe) and lots of grass. They receive very little rainfall. Bison are plentiful as are reptiles and insects.
When I looked up the temps from Jan. 8 in Oklahoma, the high was 13 degrees F and the low was 7 degrees F!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


After looking up the weather for the home work assignment i came across some neat-o facts about temperature rise and fall in the great plains region. In 15 minutes the temperature dropped 47 degrees Fahrenheit and in 2 minutes the temperature rose 49 degrees Fahrenheit, both of these events occurred in South Dakota!
Some facts about Author N. Scott Momaday:

1. He was a Kaiwa too, just like the people in the book.
2. He was born in Oklahoma
3. He is Cherokee as well.
4. He won the Pulitzer Prize in 1969

The Great Plains

Here is a picture of The Great Plains. We talked about where they were in class but this picture singles out exactly where they are located. If you see, they only go through the Northwest of Oklahoma, so we can assume that Anadarko, Oklahoma is in that area, unless you have looked it up on a map. I never knew how large The Great Plains were until I saw this.

Weather in Anadarko, Oklahoma

I looked up the record lows in Anadarko, Oklahoma on and it said that the record low on January 8th is -13 degrees F. Imagine how cold that is if you are a child trying to run away in that kind of weather. It mentions in Act One, Scene One that it is very cold, but some people might not have thought -13 degrees F cold. Just thought I would share if anyone could not find it.

Frightened Enough To Get White Hair?

Today in class we talked about how one boy was so frightened that his hair turned white instantly. I wanted to see if this is real and look it up, apparently it is. However it does not happen as fast as we think but yes it can happen. i found a website where one person ask this question. Apparently it has happened many times in history, especially prisoners before there execution but no it can not happen overnight. Because of your physiological state your hormones can effect the amount of melanin deposit in each strand of hair.

Trade Cloth

Trade cloth - what is it? In Act 1, scene ii, John Pai says he'll be a "man of the cloth, trade cloth." You might not know what this is, so follow this link and check it out. Surf around and find pictures too.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Indolent Boys

definition of indolent: Disinclined to exert oneself; habitually lazy

according to a summary I found, the play we are going to read recounts the 1891 tragedy of runaways from the Kiowa Boarding School who froze to death while trying to return to their families. The play explores the consequences, for Indian students and their white teachers, of the federal program to "kill the Indian and save the Man."

Jelly Donut: Collective Responsibility for Individual Mistakes

Earlier in class, we were talking about whether or not coworkers/affiliates should be responsible for an individual's mistake. The conversation reminded me of this scene from Stanley Kubrick's Full Metal Jacket:

*WARNING: CONTAINS EXPLICIT LANGUAGE* Sergeants aren't known for their proper language.

While Seth was talking about the importance of a unified team in football, I think the military is an even better example, considering the latter concerns national security. This video is a perfect example of soldiers being punished for an individual's doing. Not only does it give soldiers a sense of belonging to something greater than them, but it ostracizes those who do make mistakes. I just thought this would be a good way to get people thinking about how complicated things can be when you compare situations and in a (hopefully) humorous way.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Native Americans in the Olympics

I was watching the closing ceremonies of the Winter Olympics and there was a presentation about Natives of Canada. I'm not sure of the details, but they were honor a group of Indian Chiefs. They were wearing really intricate headdresses, but I didn't understand what they were being honored for exactly. If anyone else happened to see this please comment!