Love Medicine

Love Medicine
Detail of beadwork from an Ojibwe medicine pouch

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Stewart Udall

In class when we first started reading The Mircacle Life of Edgar Mint, Ms. Deckard mentioned that the author, Brady Udall, was from a family full of politicians. I just saw on the news that one of his relatives, Stewart Udall, who served as secretary of the interior with John F. Kennedy, died about a week ago. He served six years in Congress as a democrat from Arizona before heading to the Interior Department for eight years under President Kennedy and Johnson. I just figured I would post this on the blog since he was pretty closely related to the author of the book we are reading.


Robert Cawley said...

That's very interesting. Especially because Edgar Mint is a very creative work of fiction. However, his being surrounded by politics no doubt helps in his understanding of certain subject matter he weaves into the story.

morgan a! said...

Mo Udall, Stewart's brother, was also a politician. He was a US Rep for Arizona and, surprisingly, a pro basketball player for the Denver Nuggets. After his years of hoops, is became a huge advocate for environmental awareness and Native American rights. I thought the basketball career was especially interesting about Mo.