Love Medicine

Love Medicine
Detail of beadwork from an Ojibwe medicine pouch

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Why does Jason leave Medea? Does he just not love her anymore?


Jessica Deckard said...

You'll find out when you read the play.

Dupont said...

Um.. yeah. He cheats on her with the princess of Kreon. Line 17-18.

Jessica Deckard said...

Kreon's daughter. She is the princess of Corinth (setting of the play). Creon and Kreon are the same person in these two plays -- just spelled differently.

Jessica Deckard said...

According to wikipedia, Jason leaves Medea when Creon, king of Corinth, offers him his daughter, Creusa or Glauce. The play tells of how Medea gets her revenge on her husband for this betrayal...

Medea is madly in love with Jason because of a spell, Jason does not have to love Medea.
Molly A.

xXJeffreyXx said...

so creon knows Jason is with Medea at the time of his proposition right, or is there not much of a stigma against such a thing at that time?

Chris Cabral said...

there is not much of a stigma against this jeff because men were thought to be better than women. so if a man divorced a women he could very easily remarry