Love Medicine

Love Medicine
Detail of beadwork from an Ojibwe medicine pouch

Monday, September 28, 2009

So i hear that we shouldn't write our college essays on Hurricane Katrina since too many people would write about it. Is this true? Cause I don't understand why since a lot of us will apply to colleges outside of Louisiana.


Shiloh said...

No, in fact, Ms. Deckard told us specifically that we can use Hurricane Katrina to our advantage. It's shameless and somewhat dirty, but it's using our environment to our advantage. Also, consider how many people would come from New Orleans and apply to the college you're specifically applying to. I doubt it's a very high number coming from New Orleans, assuming it isn't local.

SETH said...

yeah, i was talking to ms. Flanagan and she told us that we could be influential if were writing a topic about our experiences and just say how we dealt with it and how we adjusted to such a sudden change so soon. Even if your applying to Tulane, for example, they do get a lot of applicants from New Orleans but i'm sure if you make your essay unique it will go a long way.

xXJeffreyXx said...

both seth and shiloh are right, we CAN use hurricane Katrina for our articles, Ms. Deckard just doesnt want us to write "poor me" essays. in other words, you can write how you were made stronger by the events, or how you learned from it, just DONT write about things like, "the hurricane took everything away, so please accept me out of guilt." it would be reccomendable to write on the hurricane, as it could make your essay unique, if applying elsewhere.

Andrew Ho said...
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Andrew Ho said...

gotcha. thanks broskies.