Love Medicine

Love Medicine
Detail of beadwork from an Ojibwe medicine pouch

Monday, November 9, 2009

Interracial Couple

This is the article about the judge who refused to marry a black man and a white woman that we talked about in class.article here


Ashleigh Waters said...

I think this is very upsetting especially since we live in very accepting society. His reasoning for "the children" is absurd. He says he does not want the children to suffer. I believe if children receive love and proper attention then why would they suffer? His statement, "I try to treat everyone equally" is hypocritical.He obviously does not if he stops two people from marrying just because of their skin colors.

Rachel said...

I agree with you Ashleigh 100%. To think that still today we have people like him saying things like that. But I do wonder did the couple ever get married? Even if not in that church anywhere else? I havent heard much on that.

zoewilliams said...

Rachel, I think they ended up getting married by someone else.