Love Medicine

Love Medicine
Detail of beadwork from an Ojibwe medicine pouch

Friday, April 16, 2010

6th period... deep fried coke

here is an image of deep fried coke... yum...


morgan kleinschmidt said...

im really confused by can this be fried coke?!

Jessica Deckard said...

OK, they had this at the Angola Rodeo, so I took the bullet for you guys and tried it. That's the cardiac arrest bullet. It is batter that is sort of like funnel cake batter, but supposedly has Coke in it to give it flavor. It didn't taste like Coke. The cake tidbits were sort of like donut holes, but smaller, and tasted a little bitter since the oil was old or off or something. The best part was that the fried cake was dusted with powdered sugar and then had whipped cream on it. The whipped cream (i.e. white fluffy oil) melted on to the dough and gave it a less bitter and sort of nice flavor. I'd advise you to stay away from fried Coke if you ever run across it - go for the fried snickers instead.

Jessica Deckard said...

Jessica Deckard said...

Ashleigh Waters said...

Haha I saw the Fried Coke at the Rodeo too Ms. Deckard. It was the first thing i saw upon entering. Although I wasn't brave enough to try it.