Love Medicine

Love Medicine
Detail of beadwork from an Ojibwe medicine pouch

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A different interpretation of Oedipus


makenzie kozojet said...

This is soo creepy! I dont see exactly how its Oedipus but sure I'll go with it.

Ele said...

it looks really weird... and creepy like Mackenzie said lol

though they did draw the crow and the mini skull all cutesy

Unknown said...

I like the question mark on the crown because he is always asking questions that lead to his state in the picture.

Hana said...

im trying really hard to find the relationship. its as if the baby has "little man syndrome". how tall is oedipus because he has all the characteristics of that syndrome except the height

rbreaux said...

or is Oedipus a baby because he doesn't act like a man in the story or something like that?
I don't see why the artist portrayed him as a baby.

garrett said...

this is a pretty creepy picture