Love Medicine

Love Medicine
Detail of beadwork from an Ojibwe medicine pouch

Monday, March 16, 2009

Marie and Lana

Does anyone think that Marie and Lana are similar. They both take in many children and people to fill in voids of their lives.


Christine Schmidt said...

I think they both use children to keep busy so they can escape their life.

Kiberico said...

yea i agree with Christine. Lana is just taking in children to fill in the missing piece that was once her to year old,Dean. Marie also took in children to jsut fill up an empty space.

hana said...

i think edgar and brain are also strangely similar. Brain is smart educates himself but he is still naive to a lot of situations. Edgar was the same way at his age and even now. He brings his questions to a kid 6 years his junior.

andrewmcdaniel said...

I actually did think about this when I was first reading about Lana, but I'm not too sure if she will end up being similar to Marie later on in the book. I think it's too early to tell as of now. I don't know enough about her.

Samantha said...

I think Marie and Lana are a lot alike. They take in different families or children, which was said, but they also struggle with their husbands. Nector was a cheating drunk. Although we haven't been told that Clay has a drinking problem or a problem with being monogamous, he leaves the house for long periods at a time like Nector did.

Emily A said...

When I first read the question, I thought the question was referring to the Marie from "Edgar Mint", Mr. Whipple's secretary. In which case, that Marie and Lana are not alike.
However, I do believe Marie from "Love Medicine" and Lana have similar family situation/home life as Sam said.
I think Lana is simply a modern version of Marie.