Love Medicine

Love Medicine
Detail of beadwork from an Ojibwe medicine pouch

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Mormons like the ones who go to Willie Sherman


Maryclaire said...

I wonder why they are called Elders in the book. Mormon missionaries are usually always young. Why is a word such as "elder" used?

Mister Dee said...

Maryclaire, it's because the Elders are ordained LDS ministers, so they have some influence over their congregation

rbreaux said...

i still don't under stand this.

hana said...

me either. arent they not allowed to ride in cars or drive or something?

well chet in the real world is always in cars!

jmartinez said...

marianna this is not smart to ppost pics of mormons we all obviously know what they look like...duh

Kiberico said...

so do all Elders wear these kind of clothes because this is the way that Edgar described them

makenzie kozojet said...

For some reason they look so sketchy to me... I just don’t see why people feel the need to go door to door like the people who pester you to buy magazines but instead of selling useless stuff they a pushing some “life changing” religion on you. I have nothing against the Mormon religion I just don’t like the way its marketed.

Jessica Deckard said...

We're going to have Mormon missionaries come to class in a few weeks to talk about what exactly the religion is all about, why they decided to be missionaries, and what their lives are like as missionaries. They won't be coming to sell their beliefs, but to help you understand them. You'll get the chance to talk to them and get all of these questions answered.

garrett said...

mormons ride down my street all the time
they look like the people from geek squad