Love Medicine

Love Medicine
Detail of beadwork from an Ojibwe medicine pouch

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

So...the portal is Edgar's change from boy into pubescent guy right? Or was her structural hint meaning the door to the home? anyone???


andrew pancamo said...

im pretty sure the portal is the door that separates the two parts of the house. On one side, there is the zoo and the guest room, and the other side is where the family lives.

rbreaux said...

i think the portal is the door the husband would use to travel between the two sections of the house which held the two different families in the polygamist time.

Kiberico said...

yea thats what the portal was i put that on my quiz and i asked Ms.Deckard if it was right and she said yes.

alexlawhon said...

i agree with isma, it symbolizes something greater than just a door.