Love Medicine

Love Medicine
Detail of beadwork from an Ojibwe medicine pouch

Sunday, December 13, 2009

I am kind of confused about how we make our presentation with glogster. Do we make like ten different posters each with ten things and for our songs do we just put a link to it or do we have to write stuff about it explaining how it relates to Native American stuff?

1 comment:

Jessica Deckard said...

Will, if you use Glogster, you can organize it any way you want to. You could have 10 posters of 10 things, or you could choose to make a binder of most of the stuff, but just try out Glogster for a poster of some of the things you find that are related. If you want to only use Glogster, you'll have to have several posters b/c of size restrictions.