Love Medicine

Love Medicine
Detail of beadwork from an Ojibwe medicine pouch

Monday, March 30, 2009


is there anything specific that we need to know for the test?
whats the format of the test?



what did everyone thing of the Mormons?

Elders vs. Sisters

I didn't know there was a major diffrence between women and men missionaries. I learned that the men are called elders and seem to have a much more difficult time. Women or sisters can even have a car.


What was everyones perspective on the Mormon missionaries that spoke to us in class? 

I learned a lot of things that I didnt know before, like the fact that when they are on their missions, they are not able to talk to their families.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Essay Question

Ms. Deckard, can we also write in the first person perspective using "I" and use personal examples too?  Or does it mainly HAVE to be a view on Edgar and Edgar only..

Friday, March 27, 2009

The man on this site is basically nuts and believes the world is about to end and he is the last prophet sent from God. Also, there's a dating site for mormons only.


This site gives christians answers to any question mormons may use to challenge their faith.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Edgar Mint was one of my favorite school curriculum books! I liked it so much I wrote one of my next journal entries about it.
Would anyone like to trade journals and peer edit???

Arnold and Gloria

I was thinking back to the first couple of days we started Edgar Mint, and I meant to post this that week but didn't get the chance to.  It was when Ms. Deckard mentioned All the Pretty Horses alluding to Arnold and Gloria's story. 


did anyone else want to know what would have happened if edgar got to meet the mailman? i wanted to see the mailman’s reaction especially after we find out that the mailman and edgar had a relationship before the accident.

Do you think?

Do you think that the ending of The Miracle Life of Edgar Mint was rushed or brief? 

I mean, after all the terrible things that he went through, it seemed like he would have been more than happy to describe his happiness, but he doesn't. 

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Ms. Deckard,

Are we going to have to write journals on Stony Run?


bull pinata 

information on liturgy
information on the Rockfor Files.. ( what Rosa and Edgar watch)


picture of fireflies, which is the Pennsylvania state bug

The End of Edgar Mint

So, now that we've finished reading The Miracle Life of Edgar Mint, what did everyone think of the book? Did you like the ending?

Monday, March 23, 2009

Do you think...

Do think that it was a good or bad thing that Edgar was the one to kill Barry? 

I think that it was what Edgar really needed. I mean, he knows that killing is bad, but he also knows that  Barry was the cause of all of Edgars misfortune. I think in the story that since Barry gave Edgar life, it was fitting that Edgar were to take Barry's away. It fits the Good vs. Evil theme. 

Need to fulfil your language requirements for TOPS?

Learn Angel Language
I don't know if this is OK for me to post, but I'm covering satire in English III, so if you can recognize the satire in this, I'm doing good.

Abusive Relationships

Abusive relationships are characterized by extreme jealousy, emotional withholding, lack of intimacy, raging, sexual coercion, verbal abuse, threats, lies, broken promises, physical violence, power plays and control games.

Emotional abuse is as damaging as physical abuse, though it is often harder to recognize, and therefore to recover from. Emotional abuse causes long term self esteem issues and profound emotional repercussions for the partners of abusers. Abuse typically alternates with declarations of love and statements that they will change, providing a "hook" to keep the partner in the relationship.

Barry does provide a "hook" to keep Edgar as the relationship begins to deteriorate when Edgar sees Barry with Lana by telling Edgar that he has the mailman's address.

Wizard and August in the movie August Rush

Edgar Mint Vs. August Rush

Has anyone seen the movie August Rush? I thought that Barry from Edgar Mint was alot like the character Wizard in the movie. They are both controlling and minipulative, and they both hang around with little kids. Barry even says that the Madsens are trying to make Edgar diffrenet and religous, and Wizard tells August that the school for music he is going to is trying to change him also. I thought that there are even similarities between August and Edgar in that they are both orphans on a quest.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

oh sorry for the HUGE picture... just click on it, and it will pop up on its own screen. All it is is a picture of Jim Carey portraying Count Olaf.

Barry Pinkley and Count Olaf

Does anybody see a resemblance in the two characters of Count Olaf from Lemony Snicket's Series of Unfortunate Events and Dr. Barry Pinkley in Udall's The Miracle Life of Edgar Mint? Both "villainous" characters are avoided by the main characters of each novel, and yet both men are ALWAYS able to find a way back in to the children's lives of these books... just thought the resemblance was noteworthy
Does anyone else find it interesting the problems even the most religious seeming people have? In this book the family seems righteous, but their inner problems are those of many.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Famous Mormons

There are many famous mormons in the US, here is a website with all of them.

Some of the more famous ones include,
Butch Cassidy
Chris Cooley
Kevin Curtis
Sean Salisbrury
Andy Reid
Jon Heder
Paul Walker
The Killers

Barry's stethoscope

Barry gives Edgar his stethiscope. Does anyone else find it odd that Barry gives his most prized pocession to Edgar when he isn't even related to him?

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Barry and Edgar

Does any one think that Barry is somewhat like Edgar in the way that they both have a purpose or a sense of responsibility over another person? Edgar's life purpose is to find that mailman who ran over his head and tell him that he's not dead. I feel like that's going to happen at the end of the book. Barry's responsibility is to take care of Edgar. I thought his intents were good at first, but not anymore. Edgar also needs Barry. Eventhough Edgar doesn't like Barry's visits, he still look forward to them. Barry is the only consistent thing in Edgar's life.
I agree with Sam. I like how this book is open enough to discuss the awkward activities of teenage boys. I also thinks it makes the reader enjoy the book all the more.
So...the portal is Edgar's change from boy into pubescent guy right? Or was her structural hint meaning the door to the home? anyone???

Monday, March 16, 2009

Edgar's "tally-wacker" problem

Today Ace made a comment in class about how she didn't feel like it was necessary for Udall to go into such great deal about Edgar's puberty problem. I completely respect Ace's opinion and this post is not meant to offend her in any way. I've said plenty of times that this book is extremely crude and can be disturbing, but I feel like it keeps things interesting. It's very realistic and I like how the author doesn't feel the need to censor real life occurrences. Even though Love Medicine isn't one of my favorite books, I like how it was such a drastic change from the more innocent and censored books we're so used to reading for school. Do you guys like how crude The Miracle Life of Edgar Mint is or do you feel Udall is pushing the limit?


Joseph Smith and a New American Region:
The Mormons or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

Second Great Awakening
– Beginning in 1795 and expanding tremendously through 1840s, a new revival known as the Second Great Awakening appeared. Evangelists such as Charles G. Finney emphasized free will, divine forgiveness for all, and the need of each person to freely accept or reject salvation.

Joseph Smith (1805-1844) –
1823 he lived in Palmira. Moroni is an angel that appears to him and gives him golden tablets that start the church. He translates the tablets and they become the Book of Mormon (1830). He is murder in 1844.

Book of Mormon
: Mormons are Christians

: The major difference between Mormonism and other Christian sects is that Mormons believe after the death of the Apostles, those chosen by Jesus to teach his word, the priesthood died too. Mormons believe that there was no legitimate (God-sanctioned) church on earth until Joseph Smith was chosen to restore the priesthood.

: Apostasy (90 AD until 1823) – Church is not legitimate.

Basic Tenets of Mormonism

: Joseph Smith was a prophet of God

: The Book of Mormon is true and divinely inspired

: God was once a man who progressed to godhood through keeping the laws and ordinances of the Mormon Church.

: The Mormon Church was divinely established

Anger over these Beliefs
: Non-Mormons got very worried about the appeal and quick spread of Mormon beliefs.

: Left NY in 1830

: New headquarters of the church set up in Ohio in 1831.

: Joseph Smith begins preaching the doctrine of plural marriage.

Joesph Smith meets Jesus and God

Lana Turner

Marie and Lana

Does anyone think that Marie and Lana are similar. They both take in many children and people to fill in voids of their lives.


The term "Mormon" is a reference to the Book of Mormon.[1] The book is believed by LDS adherents to be a historical record of God's dealings with three of the civilizations in the Americas from approximately 2700 BC through 420 AD, written by their prophets and followers of Jesus Christ. The book contains the teachings of Jesus Christ to the people in the Americas as well as recounting Christ's personal ministry among the people of Nephi after hisresurrection.[1] Mormons believe that the Book of Mormon is another scriptural witness of Jesus Christ that is comparable to the Bible[2], which they also believe to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly.[2] The book gets its name from Mormon, the prophet who, according to the text, abridged the record during the 4th century.

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, one of the earliest published usages of the term "Mormon" to describe believers in the Book of Mormon was in 1833 by the Louisville (KentuckyDaily Herald in an article, "The Mormons and the Anti-Mormons".[3]

Edgar's Bullying

Because of how badly he was bullied at Willie Sherman, Edgar expects far worse than being called "Nancy", and being teased for his long, girly hair.  When he finally beats Clint up, he gains respect and fear from everyone, realizing how different things are at his new school.  Is this a culture shock for Edgar, will he be able to settle in to this laid-back treatment?

Edgar's Faith at His New Home

Does anyone believe that, although Edgar hit complete rock bottom, that his new home is strengthening his faith, even more so than at Willie Sherman?  He thanks God in a letter every single night, speaking of his appreciation for waffles, carpet, and snacks, something that Brain takes for granted.  How many people think that this new home is a great thing for Edgar, making his faith stronger?

Carlisle Vs. Army

The final score of the Carlsle Vs. Army game was 27-6, with the Indians winning. It is considered to be one of the biggest upsets in football history. Here is a website is you want to read more about the game.

Welcome home, Edgar (?)

The way that Brain talks to Edgar about how his parents are willing to take "anyone in", and how he describes that they leave in a short amount of time, I'm wondering if this home is permanent for Edgar, or if he could ever feel at home in a place that's welcome to anyone?  With so many animals, and random people coming an going (Trong)?

Sunday, March 15, 2009


whats your view on the schooling for native americans?


why do you think Barry is alwaya after edgar

Friday, March 13, 2009

Older Shirley Temple

We saw a clip from an old movie that had an older Shirley Temple. I didn't know that she made movies out of her childhood. 

A Critique of the Indian Residential Schools Truth and Reconciliation Commission

A recent article on the murder and lies in Indian Residentuial Schools


Does anyone know if it is alright if we incorporate our own opinions into our journals rather than just like quotes and facts from the book? 

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Please Watch this - only 1 minute

information on the indian placement program

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Type writer

This is one of the original hermies type writers. that thing looks heavy! I think it would really hurt to have been hit by one like Barry was.

Bow & Arrow

Can you beleive that this couldn't kill Nelson, just because of how fat he is?  Do any of yall think you could survive about three arrows in you?

Urinal Puck

I couldn't figure out what a urinal puck was, so here's an example of a cherry scented urinal puck. 

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Cartoon Nelson

I don't know what you all think but every time I read the word Nelson, I think of the Simpson's character.

Cast of The Miracle Life of Edgar Mint: the movie

Hey - who would you put in each of the roles?
Principal Whipple
Rotten Teeth

Cut and paste this list into a comment and put your answers in. Add more characters too.

Excerpt from an interview with Brady Udall

Interviewer: How did you come to write The Miracle Life of Edgar Mint? Was there a specific event that inspired you to write a book about a mailman running over the head of a young boy?

Brady Udall
: My wife's ex-boyfriend was actually run over by a mail truck, just like Edgar in the book. This guy was dating my wife at the same time I was dating her (unbeknownst to me) and when she finally fessed up about it, I demanded to know all about this bastard. Among other things, she told me that in his youth he'd been run over by a mailman and was so badly injured that he was presumed dead. It turned out that he survived and went on to become my rival for my future-wife's affections. Anyway, after my wife's confession, I went out to find this guy—not to beat him up, but to verify his story. I found him at his apartment and he very graciously told me everything. He told me there was one thing he wanted to do in this life: find the mailman and tell him that he was okay, that he had lived a healthy, normal life. I jotted it all down in a notebook while he talked, knowing I'd write a book about it some day.

Pretty interesting and funny isn't it? What do you all think?

Here is the link for the full interview:


Mormons like the ones who go to Willie Sherman

Monday, March 9, 2009


Who thinks that Nelson is kinda like the Godfather? He makes offers which Edgar can't refuse and he protects Edgar in return.

Table of statistics by the national center for education statistics>Here you can look at a table from 2005 on fights on school property and elsewhere.

School Fights

I found a cool site about school fights etc. The only problem is it is a little old, but you can still look at the different articles and see the various topics.

this is another cover for The Miracle Life of Edgar Mint

Risk Factors for Being Targeted by Bullies

Children and youth who are bullied are typically anxious, insecure, and cautious and suffer from low self-esteem, rarely defending themselves or retaliating when confronted by students who bully them. They are often socially isolated and lack social skills. One study found that the most frequent reason cited by youth for persons being bullied is that they "didn't fit in." Males who are bullied tend to be physically weaker than their peers.

Do you think the this description fits Edgar?

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Indian Boarding School

Miracle Life of Edgar Mint Movie

United Artist Films has announced that they will film the movie Edgar Mint in New Mexico. Filming has not yet begun.

Director - Mark Palansky
Screenplay - Michael Cuesta
Screenplay - Gerald Cuesta
Producer - Michael Stipe

FYI: Tom Cruise is a the coowner of United Artists Entertainment.

Journal ?

Are we supposed to use quotes?

Journal Entries

Ms. Deckard, for the journal assignment, are we just picking one topic and write about that specific topic for two pages, or do we have to answer all of the questions in that chapter in two journal entries?

Friday, March 6, 2009

1933 King King

King Kong 1933 pic 1.jpg

i wasn't sure what smelting was so here is some information

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Arizona Vacation

Mrs. Deckard, you said that we are supposed to be our own age so we can't gamble in Vegas but we're supposed to rent a car and usually you have to be at least 21 to do that so can we gamble?

An Old Typewriter

Hermes Jubilee 2000

trip to arizona

does anyone have any good ideas about things to do for the trip to arizona?

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Smelter

These pictures remind me of the scenery described when Art and Edgar are on the roof of one of the wings at the hospital.  Minus the sunset.  

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Angola Rodeo

This is the website to the Angola rodeo we talked about in class today like in our reading  from today.

Postal Jeep

Postal Jeep like the one that ran over Edgar's head.


Arnold might look like this riding the bull before he gets hurt.

Fun Fact

Globe, Arizona is called Bésh Baa GowÄ…h in Western Apache. 

oops! I forgot a few: Jeffery-bedridden across from Edgar; Art-in hospital because he fell off a building; Mrs. Rodale-social worker
Character review: mother-Gloria; grandma Paul; Edgar-7yr old mixed boy; Emerson Tuskogie- well known guy on reservation; mailman- ran Edgar over; Arnold Kessler Mint-edgars dad and cowboy from Lebanon, ct

Miraculous Aspects notes

for those of you who didn't take notes...
he should have been dead with an accident like that
sees ghosts
coma for 3 months
7 years old
12 blows to the chest from Dr. 
born in july- 7th month
on the day he's born, it snows in the desert
wise men= Jeffrey, Art, and Ismore


Jim Thorpe Video

Not only was Jim Thorpe a beast on the football field, but he was also an all-star in track and in baseball. He also tried his hand at some acting.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Jim Thorpe

Indian football player


Zuni Indians refered to the Dine people as the Apache (meaning enemies) and this resulted in the Westerners refering to the Dine people as Apache. Here is a picture of young Zuni girls:


This is Cochise, one of the prominent leaders of the Apache Indians.