Love Medicine

Love Medicine
Detail of beadwork from an Ojibwe medicine pouch

Thursday, February 4, 2010

In class we talked about "huffing" because Gordie dies from drinking Lysol. It was very popular in the 80s and 90s among punk rock groups. It has been talked about in several different songs including Nirvana's "dumb" and Beck's "Fume."


morgan kleinschmidt said...

i just thought i would add this video it is part of the show we were assigned to watch intervention..if any of yall missed it here is one of the parts about huffing it is very interesting to watch

oliviakate said...

he was huffing, but he didnt literally "drink" the lysol. Huffing, in this case, would mean that he sprayed the lysol into something (a sock, paper bag, etc) and then inhaled the fumes. Not that this adds anything to the story, I just wanted to clear that up.