Love Medicine

Love Medicine
Detail of beadwork from an Ojibwe medicine pouch

Saturday, September 6, 2008


does anyone know where the quote where jess realizes that there are two tillys is? she says that there is a long armed woman and the evil tilly, she also says that her naming her was meant for a reaosn


alexlawhon said...

it is in the mirror scene

brantmcconnell said...


makenzie kozojet said...

These were the quotes I found:“Jess looked back at Tilly Tilly, who was now, suddenly, looking at her, and she became worried for a few seconds that maybe this wasn’t Tilly Tilly at all, but someone else altogether” (150)

“She’d changed again: two Tillys, nice Tilly, nasty Tilly, Tilly Tilly. She disagreed with Tilly’s last statement with a frantic shake of her head.” (251)