Love Medicine

Love Medicine
Detail of beadwork from an Ojibwe medicine pouch

Friday, February 6, 2009

Good Tears

Did any else think of Beowulf and Grendel when reading The Good Tears. I thought of how we have read so much about Lulu and how people think of her and then we got her perspective kind of like when we read Beowulf and then got Grendel's perspective.


Mister Dee said...

I see what you mean. I was thinking more along the lines of Rashomon.

Ele said...

I guess. But I don't think Lulu is a monster that shouts obscenities and such lol

M P H said...

I didn't really think about the comparison at all actually. But I see what you mean. And Lex, I commend you for knowing about Rashomon, except that movie's message just kind of supported the old phrase, "there's always a different side to every story," and I don't really see how that applies to Grendel and Lulu in this situation. But anyway, way to think outside the box, Nock.

alexlawhon said...

By rashomon did you mean the Rashomon effect? or the movie Rashomon? What did you mean exactly it sounds interesting.