Love Medicine

Love Medicine
Detail of beadwork from an Ojibwe medicine pouch

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Native Americans in the U.S. Army

-Henry Jr. may have served in the Vietnam War, but numerous Native Americans have served in past wars; Their roles have probably been some of the most crucial. In World War II, they provided a communication code of their own language seeing as neither the Germans or the Japanese could decode it. They were nicknamed "code-talkers". There is actually a good movie about all of this called "Windtalkers." I own it if anyone would like to borrow it to watch. Above is a picture of some code-talkers

1 comment:

hana said...

in class we talked about how we knew information germany didnt want us to know but we did not use all of it so they wouldnt know we knew their code. i think it would be so cool to learn a dead language or have a secret code used to talk about underground information.
kind of like when kids speak gibberish in front of their parents so they dont know everything. i still remember how to speak gibberish