Love Medicine

Love Medicine
Detail of beadwork from an Ojibwe medicine pouch

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Water Symbolism

Water is often used to symbolize things in literature. Since water is often a sign of life, many times water represents life. Water can also be broken up into two categories: fresh water and bad/polluted water. Fresh water can represent good health, and bad water symbolizes bad health.

The river is a sign of ease, grace and fluidity; as expressed by its meandering form. Often times it is used to represent the calm beauty of nature. In Feng Shui (the ancient Chinese art of placement to improve qi flow), certain types of rivers are often described as auspicious and healthy.

A fast-flowing river can often be used to symbolize strength; sometimes calamity. Calamity can be represented through rushing, chaotic rivers that tend to flood.

The ocean is a sign of power and strength, dominating all other symbols of water--due to its immensity. All life was ocean-born and life still exists in the ocean; therefore the ocean represents life.


lawrence said...

if u believe in religion all life was not ocean born, however all life does depend on water to survive

lawrence said...

if u believe in religion all life was not ocean born, however all life does depend on water to survive