Love Medicine

Love Medicine
Detail of beadwork from an Ojibwe medicine pouch

Sunday, September 23, 2007

i'm doing just fine thank you for asking

oh brother, these college essays are brutally kicking me in the face. exccessively. i've been trying to write for the past 5 hours i just cant seem to find anything that might be remotely intrestin enough to gain admissions. does any one have any ideas or recomendations on how to start this essay proccess? why cant we just write about how much stress and turmoil college applications cause ! i'm sure they'd just love to hear that


manlove7 said...

just write about somehting you feel good about that you can write for days about. If you write to a college how stressful a college essay is, imagine how they will feel. they will think that college work is to stressful for someone like that.
-K Riddle

bkorrapati25 said...

ya don't write ab how stressful college essays are, whatever you do you should sound really confident

Taylor Harkness said...

Just want you to knw that your not alone. Im not as stressed out about the essay but the entire collge application process is very time and energy consuming.

Jessika Whitbeck said...

aww steph...don't fret we just think about all those crazy times you have told us at lunch and stuff... how you make friends easily and always make us laugh

Sara W said...

I think you should write something about your brother. I was really racking my brain about important stuff that's happend to me, but there was never one clear moment where I had an try to think of little things that, in the long run mean a lot to you.

BHidalgo07 said...

Yeah Stephanie I'm going through the same thing as you because everything I think might be a good idea...I think about it more and I feel like they won't care at all about what I'm saying. I'm just trying not to be cheesy or cliche but it's not working out too well.
Everyone is just as stressed about it as you, trust me.