Love Medicine

Love Medicine
Detail of beadwork from an Ojibwe medicine pouch

Sunday, December 9, 2007


Is Gregor supposed to be a giant or a tiny bug?? It says that Gregor's father pushed him through the doorway because he had gotten stuck. That would mean he was pretty big, right? He couldn't fit through the doorway unless he stood upright. BUT... it also says that he fits on that picture frame and hides under the couch in his room. So wouldn't that mean he was the average bug size? That would have to be one giant picture frame if Gregor really sat on it. Did anyone else notice this?


Anonymous said...

yeah i realised that to.its kinda weird if it was not done of purpose how such a big error would slip through

Macie said...

he covers the frame with his body so no one can take it. but he's a big bug because when he's under the couch he isn't completely covered so he puts a blanket over the couch so that he is completely covered. mrs. klebba said in class to imagine a bug about your height

Taylor Harkness said...

I hinted at it in my mind but decided that one of the major requirements for reading this book is willing suspension of disbelief, so i decided to exuse it

sophie said...

Hmmm that is interesting and now that you mention it, I do see what you are saying. perhaps Kafka wanted to show two different perspectives and sets of problems in being a bug...

Ed Watts said...

I think he is supposed to be a big bug like he is his same hight just in bug form. Because if he cannot fit through the door he must be huge and the width of him is probably porportional to his height.

Kmorel said...

that is one thing that confused me but then when mrs klebba mentioned the willing suspension of disbelief i just went wit it

tilly billman said...

i think he is a big bug but it is strange that kafka would confuse the reader about him being small at the same time

Clare said...

yea...i noticed that too. it may be part of the "surealistic" theme

tilly billman said...

well if kafka can make a man turn into a bug over-night than anything could happen so maybe he has mutation powers where he learns to control whether he's big or small and transform... like a puffer fish, tehe

nitsudd said...

It really didn't confuse me. It seemed like Kafka said that Gregor covered the picture pretty well and explained how he hung out of the side of the couch when he went under it.