Love Medicine

Love Medicine
Detail of beadwork from an Ojibwe medicine pouch

Thursday, December 6, 2007


Kafka's Metamorphisis kind of reminds me of the movie BIG with Tom Hanks. As a child, Josh feels trapped in his boyish lifestyle and believes if he was older, he could find an escape in his independence. but waking up as a grown man is just as confusing and scarry as waking as a roach. although alot of the emotions displayed by josh and his parents are different from Gregor and his family, the idea of a dramatic transformation is kind of the same .


michelleb said...

I love that movie! I can see how that movie is like Metamorphosis, but I think Office Space is more comparable because it is about how people are sucked into doing the same thing over and over again everyday. Metamorphosis and Office Space are both about waking up to reality and realizing that you chose to do the same thing everyday. I think people need to wake up and start having control over what they do.

Kevin Quizzle said...

brilliant S.D.

Priscilla said...

I agree with Michelle! I think that people need to look after themselves first instead of doing what others tell you to do! You have your own life to live and if you need to stand up to someone in order to explain that you are only human being, then do it! It is your right! You can't always hide from everything, you just have to be yourself and not wish for anything different!

Jordan Harry said...

i didnt not even think about the comparison between those movies and metmorphisis but i do see the similarities

Jessika Whitbeck said...

good job with that steph steph. i love that movie too. yeah there are a lot of similarities between the two. with all in all i feel pity for gregor. he is the family's tool to say the least.

tilly billman said...

ide deffinetly have to agree. the 1st thing i thought of when reading this was that movie and how the parents are not accepting to his transformation like in BIG where Josh's mom freaks out when she sees him