Love Medicine

Love Medicine
Detail of beadwork from an Ojibwe medicine pouch

Thursday, December 6, 2007

the Kafka in us

dont we all feel like this on some days. gregor's metamorphosis is more physical than physcological. bug's purpose for life is just to live and in that, comes the competition for life. bug's only do what they have to to survive and constantly do monotonous activities everyday. doesnt that sound like life at we know it ?


Trevinator said...

Not for me because although bugs and people do the same things every day, it gets harder for us as we grow.

Jordan Harry said...

i would not say that we do monotonous activities everyday, people who choose their jobs for passion rather than money hardly ever "go to work" everyday is a new adventure, i think that is what Kafka wants to prove in metamorphisis

Macie said...

i think some days can be boring, but not everyday even though it may be doing the same thing because sometimes something happens thats really funny or makes what we do exciting

sophie said...

While life is ultimltly for survival, today people have to worry about sooo much stuff. I would never ever want to be a roach but i do wish sometimes that my life was as simple as my dogs, for he does not worry about what he is wearing or his score on the SAT. All he worries about is his next meal and having fun.... sometimes i wish that that was all i had to worry about

michelleb said...

I think that is why Kafka chose a bug to morph Gregor into. I don't live my life only to survive. I have never had two days in my life be the same. I think Gregor was doing just what he needed to to make sure him and his family would survive. Nothing exciting happened in his life which is why is was already like a bug before he even morphed into one.

michelleb said...

I also think that maybe this is why Gregor and his family didn't have much of a reaction. Gregor turning into a bug isn't really different from how he was already acting. It only changed his physical appearence.