Love Medicine

Love Medicine
Detail of beadwork from an Ojibwe medicine pouch

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Finding Nemo Indian Scene

So I happened to be watching "Finding Nemo" again last night. There is a scene right after he gets captured and put into the fish tank where they do an Indian initiation ritual to swim through the "Ring of Fire" on Mt. Wanahackalugie. Y'all should check it out..


Anonymous said...

I watched that movie in Spanish class today and I noticed it as well! I am thinking about Native American Indians everywhere I go now.

morgan a! said...

When I heard the Spanish class was watching Finding Nemo I thought about that scene and all the chanting they do before they throw Nemo into the filter. I was also thinking about how they give Nemo a "spiritual" name, Shark Bait. It reminded me of how Native Americans have different names that are based on nature. Just thought that was kind og interesting.