Love Medicine

Love Medicine
Detail of beadwork from an Ojibwe medicine pouch

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Island Chapter.

I just finished reading "The Island" chapter, and I was a bit confused. I'm not sure why Lulu wants to go to the island to see him in the first place. She likes him, but he's her cousin?! And what's the deal with all the lurky, creepy cats everywhere she goes on the island. This guy Moses (not even his real name) - I'm not exactly positive as to what happened that he and his mother felt the need to trick the spirits to enable him to heal from a sickness? I mean this guy seems kind of odd and so does Lulu, they don't even speak to each other. Strange...


Jessica Deckard said...

Read the assigned handout that I e-mailed you on gemillarity and the lynx and rabbit in Ojibwe myth. That will help clear things up.

Rachel said...

Also it was pretty common for someone to be attracted to their cousin. Remember In The Time of the Butterflies Dede marries her cousin.

Andrew said...

After reading, I noticed that Lulu gave 12 nickels to Moses as a gift. Is there any significance to 12? Just a thought...