Love Medicine

Love Medicine
Detail of beadwork from an Ojibwe medicine pouch

Saturday, November 10, 2007

6th Period English

I thoroughly enjoy Doug reading the part of Sly with that ridiculous accent. What does everyone else think about it?


bweaver said...

doug reading in class makes it so much more fun, i like how into it he gets and when anyone else reads it just cant compare

ethan mcraney said...

i just don't know how doug can impersonate a drunk bum so well

Jordan Harry said...

i think it was hilarious and it sounded really authentic

brian said...

i wish i was in the class. hes the perfect man for the job.

Jessika Whitbeck said...

i agree. i love how he reads whats not really there. hes great

bossier330 said...

yeah doug's accent is good stuff. it's kinda weird that no characters have accents except for the one doug happens to be reading.

Jessika Whitbeck said...

6th period: only doug is aloud to be christopher slyy... no one can be up to par with doug. in fact doug should just read everything with all his different character voices. none of us can compare to doug and his theatre skills

Thomas Meric said...

he is but seriously i envy those who can act well. its something that is very hard and requires a lot of talent


i like when doug reads too! and when jess makes comments every 5 seconds, it really adds to the mood, like we're all really in the audience of one of shakespears plays. Jordan did a good job with his part too. Kudos

Taylor Harkness said...

Dougs tha man and everyone should know it... i like dougs animation and effort, we need more of it from people like, peoople. but yea knib high football rules

michelleb said...

I like when doug reads because I think it is easier to understand what is going on

Laurie said...

Doug reading Sly's part is hilarious. I must say that Devvin is pretty awesome too. Both of them make me laugh - Doug because he gets so into it, and Devvin because of his deadpan delivery.