Love Medicine

Love Medicine
Detail of beadwork from an Ojibwe medicine pouch

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Inferno length

do you think dante had to make up more to write or cut his poem down in order to fit into his 100 cantos?


Thomas Meric said...

i think that when setting out to write it decided that it would be that length. I don't think that in the middle of writing it decided it would be that length or that he didn't decided on a length and when he finished it was 100 cantos

Anonymous said...

i agree with thomas. plus he can make the cantos as long as he wants so ultimately he can decide how long he wants it to be.

Taylor Harkness said...

Good point, I think he had an abundance of stories and then chopped it up into one hundred peices so to speak, but idk.

Shayan said...

I think he only pnned on writng the inferno, and then realized he didnt have anything else to do.

seelige said...

yeah i don't think he intended to write exactly 100 cantos--it just so happened to be that many. but he might have written too much and wanted to shorten the length to 100 so it would be a good and even number considering that he was into alot of numerology back then

Anonymous said...

Actually I think he did plan to write it and that's why he realized in the middle that he needed to stretch out the circle to make them last longer.

Ed Watts said...

i'm not sure thats a hard question he must have made some things up to write all of that its so much.

Ben Schwertz said...

i think that he planned to write it in 100 cantos but had to write more to make it 100 cantos because there are more cantos devoted to the later circles of hell then in the first few.

Jessica Deckard said...

Make up more or cut it down...Hmmm...That's a good question. Since we know it took Dante 20 years to write this, I suspect he cut it down. It seems to me that some of the cantos are more cohesive, and some are less so. For instance, 33 has the great story of the Tower of Hunger, but then ends so abruptly. And the one in Circle 8 with the story of Manto seems quite "stand alone" if you know what I mean. I imagine Dante took a lot of material and then cut it down while perfecting his terza rhima, rhythm, and words.

And cut the guy some slack, Shay's "then realized he didn't have anything else to do" isn't very respectful to the man, the literature, or his situation. And btw, deep thoughts earn points, not just brief sentences.

BHidalgo07 said...

Yeah I think that had planned on how long to make it and decided what he specifically wanted in each canto and then went from there.

Macie said...

i agree that he planned on writing 100 cantos, but i think he might have had to elaborate on more of the circles thats why some circles take up a few cantos

Laurie said...

Yeah, I think that he decided on the 100 cantos beforehand. I think he knew most of what he was going to write, but I wonder if he had to sort of make up the details as he went along.

brian said...

i think that he had to cut things out because theres got to be a lot of details and information about hell that people owuld want to know and you cant jsut fit it into a few chapters, you know?

bweaver said...

i think he probably had tons of ideas but he didnt put all of them into the inferno because he felt the 100 cantos and the stories in it were good enough

Jordan Harry said...

i am pretty sure that he had many more punishments and sinners in the poem, canto 8( the longest) was probably much longer than when he edited it

Hallie said...

i think that he had to plan it out before he wrote it because he couldn't just decide half way through writing it that its length should be symbolic...