Love Medicine

Love Medicine
Detail of beadwork from an Ojibwe medicine pouch

Monday, November 5, 2007

What hell do you beleive in?

What would be the guidelines for your hell? Would it be eternal? Who would be in it?


Kevin Quizzle said...

dont really believe and if i do its the equivalent to a higher being, but evil.

tilly billman said...

sometimes i think that there is no hell and its just a threat that god makes toward us so that we will be good on earth. I dont believe that god would put someone in hell for eternity and make them suffer because of things that they did for a couple years on earth, but if there is a hell then i think it is so unbearable that none of us can even fathom what it is like but i dont think people would stay there for eternity

glossi said...

I really like what billy said and i never really thought of it that way i always thought that it would be s place that people who continually did really bad things and didn't repent or anything or try to be better would go forever.

Shayan said...

I cant fathomt hat someone would be condemned to hell eternally, becuase of the life they lived on earth. That is such a small part of a souls progression. Even if we go to hell, well serve our punishment, but one day well all be in heaven.

alex hump said...

im going to have to agree with billy. i cant imagine god condemning everyone to an eternity of punishment for sins people commit here on earth. im not saying people can run around committing all these evil acts and expect to go to heaven, but maybe theres a holding cell or some place sinners stay temporarily until they repent.

brian said...

ibelieve in a mix of the hell in the inferno and the biblical one.

Sara W said...

I don't believe in any form of Hell. No matter how bad a human is on earth, no one deserves to suffer, we are all humans.

bkorrapati25 said...

i don't believe in hell/heaven. i think that when you die...that's it your time is done and you don't go stop living snd you just stay where ever.

bkorrapati25 said...

i mean you stay where ever you're burried

Hallie said...

i honestly believe in a loving god who forgives everyone for the mistakes that we make on earth. i think that if you're a good person on earth then you will be exalted but i dont think that if you make bad choices now that god is going to make you suffer forever.