Love Medicine

Love Medicine
Detail of beadwork from an Ojibwe medicine pouch

Monday, November 12, 2007

Shakespeare's Tounge (yeah that's a pun)

i think it's great the all of shakespeare's plays are still in their origional form, but does anyone think you would get more out of it if it read smoothly in modern english? so who likes shakespeare for the language, and who thinks the language is great, but you'd rather read his plays in our english?


Sara W said...

I would rather read this in modern english because it is unnecassarily difficult.

bossier330 said...

yeah i think the language is interesting, but times have changed, and all the meaning is pretty much lost in my opinion. like if someone wrote something today full of puns dependant on knowing the current language, someone in the future would find it interresting, but difficult and cumbersome to understand anything else.

Jessica Deckard said...

This may shock you who like to stereotype your English teachers, but when it comes to The Taming of the Shrew, I don't think that Shakespeare's language is too great. I love his writing in other plays, but there's not much poetry in this one. However, this is one of his easiest plays, so you shouldn't be having too much trouble with it. Insults translate easily!

Jack Truett said...

I agree with ms deckard, i think the book is pretty easy to understand, unlike many others that shakespere has written

seelige said...

i really don't like the shakspearein langauge..its really hard for me to udnestand and i'd rather read it in our english language..i like it whe nyou inteperet the scenes into normal english-it helps me get what's going on in

Thomas Meric said...

i like shakespeare's writing, not so much in this play, but i did like macbeth

dirt dog said...

One problem I have with Shakespeare is that in order to read anything that he's written, I have to stop on every fourth word and look down at the footnotes, so I can somewhat grasp what he's talking about. I'm sure if he was writing The Taming of the Shrew today, it'd be a much more enjoyable read (unless it was the script for that terrible movie they based off of it).

Ed Watts said...

Yea dude that would be so much easier if the plays were "translated" into modern english because i cant understnad half the stuff going on in the book.

glossi said...

i would prefer to read it in modern english because it's too difficult to understand and movies and things that are based on his plots i really like so it's just the way they are written that makes me not enjoy them as much

BHidalgo07 said...

I think it's cool that he could write a whole play in iambic pentamter but I don't enjoy reading something when I don't know what half of the words mean.

bossier330 said...

i agree with brittany. that's quite an accomplishment, but i found a modernized version, and read act 2 from that after reading it in the book, and i picked up twice as much.

ethan mcraney said...

i agree with devin, i hate having to constantly look at the footnotes to almost understand what he is saying. It gets old after like 2 sentences. It would be much easier to read it in modern english because you could understand what is going on and get all of the jokes.

alex hump said...

i get the gist of what shakespeare's saying but i feel like i'd get more out of the play if it were written in modern english.

Kevin Quizzle said...
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Kevin Quizzle said...

mn straight..the footnotes cry out translate me..instead of footnotes put the translated words in the footnotes in the text and leave the footnotes for historical and shakespearean-exclusive humor,importance..

"after reading it in the book, and i picked up twice as much.' me too me too

tilly billman said...

i would have to agree with every single post on here. You could tell me that this book is written in german and i wouldnt know the difference. I think it would be a lot more easier to get into if it were in modern english

Shayan said...

Their language was extremely inefficent at the time, thats why modern english is simpler.

bkorrapati25 said...

ya i wish it could be translated into modern english, but it really isnt that hard to comprehend

ethan mcraney said...

i agree bobby, its not very hard too understant it is just a pain because every other word is footnoted. But once you look at those it isn't too bad