Love Medicine

Love Medicine
Detail of beadwork from an Ojibwe medicine pouch

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Lone Ranger and Tonto ESSAY

On your reading/assignment schedule it says that the first draft of the paper on the novel is due Friday. I have decided to change this. On Friday you must hand in a typed outline that is fully fleshed out and has all quotes, a thesis, and topic sentences. This is not a prewrite in that a prewrite only has a thesis and quotes. This must be an outline.

The rough draft of the essay (4 pages) is due Monday after M.G. break.

The extra credit assignment is due this Friday.


Jessika Whitbeck said...

for the extra credit... what exactly do we write for the lyrics part? like do we write a summary about each song and how it relates to a chapter in the book??

Anonymous said...

thats what i think we have to do to

Ed Watts said...

I dont understand what the paper is on. What are the guidlines for the paper? What should I base my outline on?

Priscilla said...

Thanks so much Ms. D! That helps out a lot. But a few things:
1. What kind of topics should this paper be on, like can you give some examples?
2. I don't really know the form of an outline so can we talk about it for a few minutes on Thursday?

sophie said...

just to clarify for myself and everyone else, the only difference between a prewrite and an outline is that an outline includes topic sentences????

Jessica Deckard said...

Jessika - Yes, tell me what incident each song relates to and where it would play. Then explain why you relate the two things.

Jessica Deckard said...

Any topic that pertains to the book and what you found from it is fine. Alcoholism, humor, humor in the face of sad situations, the need for freedom, parents and children, how women are portrayed, the contrast between traditional life and modern life, friendship, sacrifice, redemption, ect.

Jessica Deckard said...

Rebellious Indians (Crazy Horse)
Horses vs. Cars

Jack Truett said...

So we can only choose from those topics? Can we also choose from some other topics? Also i think we could use the packets for this paper.

seelige said...

i think you can choose any topic you awnt jack as long as it portrays to something significant in the book

Jessica Deckard said...

Any topic you want to write on is fine. I just listed some here to help out, but you can come up with your own ideas too. The outline needs to be organized, have thesis, and have topic sentences for your paragraphs. Please put the quotes with the appropriate topic sentences.

Wade said...

how many qoutes do we have to have per paragraph for the outline

BHidalgo07 said...

How much is this paper worth? Like a test grade or what? Also, if we can find more quotes for one paragraph then the other will we be penalized for not having a lot in the other?