Love Medicine

Love Medicine
Detail of beadwork from an Ojibwe medicine pouch

Monday, April 20, 2009

Mark's PJs

Alexie makes a few references to Mark's favorite PJs, the one with the blind superhero Daredevil on them. In case you were unaware, Daredevil's secret identity is Attorney Matthew Murdock, who was blinded by radioactive waste as a young boy. The waste took away his eyesight, but raised his other senses to superhuman abilities.
The series was made awesome by Frank Miller; therefore, everyone should go read it.

Below: Matt Murdock's superhuman senses in action.


Kiberico said...

well they didn't raise it to super hero abilities he just knew how to use his senses better than the average person. He had to adapt to his surroundings. And he just had superhero abilities because he saved people and jumped over buildings and stuff. But it was pretty cool that he was blind and able to do all of that.

Mister Dee said...

Well Kim, he had to use his senses better- since he could not see, he had to rely on echolalia and his mental "radar". That's why I had the bottom pic
Also, he has acrobatic talents(part of his superhuman strength) and goo heroic qualities because his father "Battlin" Jack wanted him to have an education and not end up a boxer like him. That's why he became an attorney, one the Indian Killer will definitely need if he ever gets caught.

NDiMaggio45 said...

sounds like a cool comic but i didn't really care for the movie

Kiberico said...

i only know what i know because of the movie.

Kiberico said...

i only know what i know because of the movie.

M P H said...

Looks like a cool comic.