Love Medicine

Love Medicine
Detail of beadwork from an Ojibwe medicine pouch

Friday, April 3, 2009

Sherman Alexi's Poems


This is the last poem I will write about salmon,
My tribe’s Jesus fish, our God fish, bedamning
And bedamned. I will no longer examine

And reexamine the sins that doomed our fish.
I will not weep. My pain and fear are banished.
This is my last lamentation, my last wish:

Let my people’s famine become our Eucharist.

“Unkissed: A Fibonacci Sequence Poem

The man
Would jackknife,
Leave his lovely wife,
And abandon his preschool kids?
He told me once, “I hate my life.” So who knew? I did.


lawrence said...

this is a very short poem but i like it. i think it means that the man told him he hated his life and although it was surprising that he left his wife he did know it could happen and should have tried to stop it. it could be some sort of metaphor for somehthing else in his life.

Jessica Deckard said...

So how is this a Fibonnaci Sequence poem?