Love Medicine

Love Medicine
Detail of beadwork from an Ojibwe medicine pouch

Thursday, February 21, 2008

"Plunge of the Brave" - Feb. 21st H

1 comment:

Kevin Quizzle said...

I think Beverly is creative in the way he makes up all these stories about Henry Jr. when he goes door to door selling educational supplies as if he knew the child since he was born. On another note i think that Eudrich's character Henry who commits suicide is a parallel with her husbands suicide and another stretch of the imagination parallel is Marie and Nectar have 2 kids and they die in labor or something and Marie feels the need to be a BRANGELINA and adopt like crazy and then have her own children too and pushes Nectar to his limit. The parallel is 6 children Eurdrich had. 3 adopted 3 form her. and 1 fetal alcohol who was killed. Im just blabbering