Love Medicine

Love Medicine
Detail of beadwork from an Ojibwe medicine pouch

Friday, October 26, 2007

Is anyone else doing something about how the Pope is elected? Help me out yo


manlove7 said...

Dude, i dont know anything about how the Pope is elected. But, i did save a bunch of money on car,,watch Eurotrip,they have a lot of stuff about how the Pope is elected.

Kevin Quizzle said...

google it

Jessica Deckard said...

Google news is a great way to find relevant articles. Go to google, up at the top of the home page it says "news" - click there. Then type in "how the pope is elected." You'll get all sorts of stuff from this week that sort of hits your search terms, but the last pope was elected in 2005. So go over to the left hand side where it narrows your search by year, and click on 2005. Those news articles should be helpful.

This article seemed pretty good to me for a starting point:

You'll have to cut and paste this - I have trouble with links.

Ed Watts said...

Nope, sorry princess!

Thomas Meric said...

The college of cardinals meet in the sistine chapel. this meeting is called a pepal conclave. they elect a new pope by ballot.

Macie said...

in the past, a new pope had to be elected no later than 10 days after a pope died, but not its no less than 15 days but no later than 18. it just gives time for all the cardinals to arrive to vote for the new pope