Love Medicine

Love Medicine
Detail of beadwork from an Ojibwe medicine pouch

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Eurich's characters and storytelling are brillant and are like pieces of a puzzle of life

I find it confusing that all of these chapters have different narrators(though they come back up later), different stories(ditto), dates, etc. and each chapter is an deep discriptive look into the characters relationships and lives> i was reading the Love Medicine chapter and realized that the grandma and grandpa are characters we have seen before, granma MARIE who still has the beads that June gave to her and we find Lulu nanapush making hot steamy love with Granpa Kashpaw who have taken in Lipsha..

I was wondering what yall think about Eudrich's vision and how in the beautiful chapters we see the characters grow, die, struggle, live with each passing year?


Anonymous said...

it gets confusing trying to follow the characters life's when the date in which the chapters take place skip around. but it seems like all the character's lives are very complex and intriging

Clare said...

It is confusing at first but i find it cool how every aspect ties together and the reader has to make the connection. Its interesting to tie everything together yourself.


great way to describe it KEV .
"puzzle of life"- love it . the characters in love medicine and all intertwiined and sometimes it gets difficult to keep who's who staight, but its amazing the way Eurich relates everyone not only through their relationships but their elements too

bkorrapati25 said...

I agree that it's difficult for the you to tie the various characters and stories together at first but as you keep reading it becomes alot less confusing

Macie said...

I like how she uses her characters to give different perspectives of a story because it gives more insight to the events that happen in a book and to the personalities of different people in the book instead of just one view point

Laurie said...

It does get confusing at times when you're trying to keep the narrators straight. I really like this style of writing, though. Like Macie said, it gives the reader different characters' perspectives of the same events. After reading all the different view points, I feel that the stories are more "full" and complete.

Taylor Harkness said...

Its nice to read a book tha comes full circle like Ms. Deckard was talking about in class. I mean sometimes cliffhangers are good because they keep you guessing and wanting more, but in this case its jsut gives the reader a move complete and satafied point of view after. The characters especially come full circle - Marie and everyone else.