Love Medicine

Love Medicine
Detail of beadwork from an Ojibwe medicine pouch

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Lex- part II answers

1. The website notes that Kafka’s father would often yell at him, much like Mr. Samsa’s daily schedule includes lecturing at his wife and Grete; much like Kafka grew up to resent his Jewish heritage, so too has Gregor resented his job and family.
2. Gregor is amazed that his family does nothing while he's not home. The dad's schedule mainly consists of eating, napping, and reading to the family.
3. Gregor cannot speak, has been shrinking, leaves brown goo when he walks, and cannot eat normal food; his family now has to recover their individuality and get a job so that they can compensate for Gregor’s current physiological status.
4. Before the post WWII Baby Boom, it was common in families to have the father be the main source of income while the mother merely stayed at home and took care of the children. So Gregor’s situation likely occurs more often in modern life.
5. Gregor’s transformation likely took much more time than hinted at- his unwilling devotion to his job has stripped him of his humanity, making him merely a bug scattering to and from his workplace. In essence, Gregor was always just a little bug at his job. In actuality, the story likely was not a dream- Gregor tries going back to sleep, drowsy from his constant travel, but is still a bug upon reawakening.

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