Love Medicine

Love Medicine
Detail of beadwork from an Ojibwe medicine pouch

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Miraculous Aspects notes

for those of you who didn't take notes...
he should have been dead with an accident like that
sees ghosts
coma for 3 months
7 years old
12 blows to the chest from Dr. 
born in july- 7th month
on the day he's born, it snows in the desert
wise men= Jeffrey, Art, and Ismore



Mister Dee said...
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Ele said...

yeah, I think its pretty crazy that he lived... I think having one's head rolled over by a heavy truck would COMPLETELY squish it to the point where it was a pancake.

Kiberico said...

yea and he hit his head again on the fountain so that kid really should be dead but the book is called the MIRACLE LIFE of Edgar Mint haha

Samantha said...

Supposedly those aren't the only miracles in his life. Ms. Deckard mentioned something about him having a series of miracles in his life and I'm pretty sure Edgar says that as he's narrating the book.