Love Medicine

Love Medicine
Detail of beadwork from an Ojibwe medicine pouch

Monday, November 17, 2008


You never would figure that people could be ignorant and allow themselves to be taken advantage of so greatly and be put to such shame. I understand that the people of Uganda were seeking some sort of hope and support due to their economic downfall, but not that desperate. Being asked to give all of the money or valuables you have to someone should have been the first red flag for the people of Uganda. In addition, being forced to use sign language and forced to wear uniforms should have been other signs of danger. They were treated as slaves and each one's individuality was taken away from them. No matter how desperate they might have been, I do not understand how people could have been so ignorant. 

1 comment:

Jessica Deckard said...

When you write, "I understand that the people of Uganda were seeking some sort of hope and support due to their economic downfall," I think you get to the heart of it. People in desperate situations are often willing to go to extremes to alleviate their pain and hopelessness. It's not ignorance, it's desperation that begs to be understood and sympathized with.