Love Medicine

Love Medicine
Detail of beadwork from an Ojibwe medicine pouch

Sunday, April 6, 2008


What is your favorite scene or the scene that has affected you the most?


Taylor Harkness said...

The scene that has affected me the most is when Mrs. Rhodale comes to speak with edgar. You get the whole story, its funny because of her afro, its amazing because they show you just how much of a miracle child he is, and then the story of his mother and grandmother and it all comes into frame in that scene.

Sara W said...

This isn't my favorite scene but it definitely affected me the most: when Gloria gave birth to Edgar on a matress outside really shocked me. I can't believe she drank all that beer during her pregnancy-that made me really mad.

bossier330 said...

I thoug hit was very sad when Edgar's mother didn't even bother to see whose child was screaming, only to later find out that it was her own.

Thomas Meric said...

I remember the scene with Art and Edger as Edger prepares to leave St. Divine's. Art gives him his grandfather's knife and tells him to stab Barry. I though it was fatherlike. very touching...

Laurie said...

The scene that has affected me the most is the scene when Arthur is fighting Barry. He severely hurts himself to try to protect Edgar. Edgar also gave up what was most dear to him - his typewriter - to defend Arthur.

The scene when Edgar is leaving St. Divine's is touching too. It shows Arthur's sincerity, but it was funny at the same time (when Arthur tells Edgar that he can give the knife a twist if he feels like it)

manlove7 said...

My favorite scene so far waswhen the mom was giving birth but she had to have like 3 beers first in an ice cold river. I mean nothing washes down a baby beter than a couple of beers first i suppose.

Jessika Whitbeck said...

My favorite scene so far is when Art is fighting Barry and telling him to leave Edgar alone. I think this shows Art actually does care about Edgar. He probably reminds him of his dead daughters which he still mourns.

Kmorel said...

the scense that affected me the most are the scenes where the kids would make fun or torture Edgar because it makes me very emotional and brings light to bullying which happens everyday and maybe will help stop it.

Ben Schwertz said...

The scenes when he gets bulllied in school are meaningful because Edgar has forgotten his entire childhood and he really doesn't know how to act like child as he has lived in an adult envoronment for the only part of his life that he can remember. Edgar acts like an adult in many ways and bullying comes as a real shock to him because he has never been around it before.

Jessica Deckard said...

The part that gets to me is when Sterling is sitting by the Jumping Place explaining what it is to Edgar. To me, Sterling's character is so powerful because you can feel his pain and frustration with his situation. He hates his life and everything in it, but he seems to hate himself too because he is too afraid to kill himself. Whenever I read about Sterling I am so angry because he doesn't have anyone to love him and tell him he has worth. It makes me wonder how many people live their whole lives in pain because one person (and it might only take one) hasn't loved them.

bweaver said...

One thing i found really strange yet funny is how edgar carries around the urinal tab whenever it is mentioned i get this mental image of a kid sniffing one of those things

doug h said...

I love the part when Nelson and Rotted teeth try to "initate" Edgar by trying to brand him and it totally backfires on them.

doug h said...

sorry Initiate* im retarded

tilly billman said...

i think my favorite part was when barry and art start fighting and while theyre beating the willickers out of each other, edgar starts throwing all his little toys at them

Ed Watts said...

My favorite scene is when Edgar's mother retreives her beer from the river while she is having contractions. And drinking them before she heads back to the house in the freezing cold.

Shayan said...

The part when they slap Edgar in the head constantly reminded me about the scene in radio.