Love Medicine

Love Medicine
Detail of beadwork from an Ojibwe medicine pouch

Monday, April 21, 2008

What do you think is the funniest scene in the book so far?

What do you think is the funniest scene in the book so far?

I laughed out loud during Brain's birthday party. It was hilarious picturing Brain, a little nerdy kid with a clip-on tie, beating up the pinata. I liked the way Udall described the scene. I also liked how the Uncle said Brain could have a future in the mafia, and then Brain knocks the pinata's head off with a hammer.

My favorite funny scene was when the Madsens' neighbor knocks on their door to return their guinea pig. I couldn't help but crack up when I pictured a Mormon priest dressed in a habit, holding a squealing guinea pig, and saying, "I don't know what the hell this thing is, but I found it running for its life in the middle of the road."

On a different note...

The scene when Clay goes crazy and knocks all of the animal cages over was really dramatic. I felt bad for the kids in the house, and then I remembered that it was still Brain's birthday. I haven't really liked Brain throughout the story for the way he treats Edgar. This was the first time I felt sorry for him.


ethan mcraney said...

the funniest scene by far is when Edgar and Sunny are at the top of the stairs and Edgar has a seizure and falls down the steps

doug h said...

haha ethan, that was my favorite part aswell. My second favorite however is when he first discovers the wonders of masterbation and because of the sudden rush to his head falls over and blacks out.

Ed Watts said...

I completly agree with Ethan and Doug. This part is the most funny by a long shot. I have never seen in a movie or read anything so funny. I love to just picture that in my head ever time I see the book or hear "Edgar Mint".

Wade said...

I love when he is trying to explain to the doctor how he threw out his arm. i thought that was pretty good and then the falling down the stairs part is also pretty funny

dirt dog said...

I think I'd have to agree with everyone who's already posted. I can't remember if it was Clay or Lana, but one of the two said something along the lines of "Edgar must've been sleepwalking," and I laughed pretty hard at that.

Another funny scene is when Brain and Edgar are reading about oral sex in Brain's encyclopedias. I laughed out loud when Brain said something like, "Why would anyone ever do something like that?"

seelige said...

yeah i agree with wade because i also liked the part when edgar was trying to come up with excuses as to how he threw his arm out

BHidalgo07 said...

Haha I think either when Edgar fell down the stairs with "a sticky white mess" in his pants or when he jerked off for the first time and passed out.

Anonymous said...

I think the funniest part of the book was when Edgar was first going through puberty and all he wanted to do was masturbate. I laughed.